By alsayslegit - 25/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I was at a party, and I sat down on a chair. While conversing with friends, I shifted places on the chair, and broke it. Embarrassed, I then stood up and change chairs. After moving to the next chair, I broke that one too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 201
You deserved it 21 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A lot of gyms are having discounts this time of year. Just putting it out there.

It's only FYL if the chairs were in bad condition to begin with. If it was your weight caused it, then you might need to make some lifestyle changes...


cxal_fml 0

1) Some people have health issues that cause obesitiy. When my pcos became active I was literally buying new pants every week - you can't eat that fast, and that weight won't go away via excercize because that weight isn't fat. It's cysts of menstrual blood that gives me a pot belly 2) Alot of people are very mistaken on how to eat to loose weight - ie most people don't realize that eating fruit prohbits you from losing weight. People sabotage their own diets by eating "healthy" 3) I've had to switch to a diet that is 80 percent fat this past year due to health issues (the same health issues that mean I'm in danger of permanent brain damage if I excercise, walk up a hill, or engage in deep breathing). This diet actually reduces the average person's risk of heart attack and the likelihood that they'll die from it. Yet all I hear from people is how I need to stop eating fat, and start eating foods that are basically the equivalent of poison to me (and in alot of cases them) because those foods are considered "healthy." I've lost 40 pounds on the modified atkins diet, and obviously i don't excercize because you can't excercize when you aren't allowed to increase your heart or breathing rate without endangering your life. Prior to my epilepsy diagnosis, I was running daily, eating vegetables, a low fat diet, etc and I wasn't loosing weight or gaining muscle.

everyone saying that the OP is fat is completely ******* ignorant. you dont even know the guy so like shut the hell up. breaking a chair doesnt necessarily mean you have to be fat, ive seen morbidly obese people sit on chairs that looked like they would collapse. the chairs that this guy broke were prob shitty fold up wooden ones. or they coulda just been wicked old like antique-ish chairs? i broke the seat of my moms antique chair and im reaally small 110 pounds. HOWEVER, i dont agree with the comment that said "its ok to be fat" nah sorry, its extremely unhealthy and is just killing yourself slowly, just as bad as ciggarettes.

Veldan 1

@109, i feel for you. That said the majority of people who are overweight LET it happen. You should be harshest of all on them at least they have the chance you don't. @110, ever think maybe they are saying the OP is fat because it happened twice? Finding one chair that is on the verge of collapse is easy, finding two in such quick sucession is much less likely. Weight is the more likely concern, but that said the guy could just be a gym junkie. I'm 6' 4" and have a weight of 260 pounds (all muscle, i thank you) and i've broken more than my fair share of chairs.

xiloveyoux3 0
heyyy123 0

okay everyone hushh if this is the person who im pretty sure it is shes not fat at all so stfuuuuuu. stop judging people. shes actually very in shape, probably more than a lot of you people commenting.

Komatose 0

You guys are a bunch of idiots. It's none of your business, and no, there's nothing wrong with it. It's a personal choice. And you guys bitching about public health-care? Get the **** over it. Fat people aren't the only ones that **** it up, so do: Smokers, drinkers, drivers, teen mothers, all mothers, AIDS patients, STD patients, skin cancer patients, lung cancer patients, anyone who gets bit by a wild animal, veterans, soldiers, dare-devils, rock-climbers, sky-divers, bungy-jumpers, drug addicts, gang-bangers, homeless people, swimmers, and the list goes on! Notice that all of those listed above are related to a life style choice. And you guys wanna single out fat people? **** you!

LMFAO at #2 lol lose some weight u fat bitch

Komatose 0

That having been said, look on the bright side, You make the rockin' world go 'round.

ellbtvsvm 0

#57: Genetics can pose HUGE problems in losing weight. Some people take meds that cause them to gain weight. The only factor is NOT willpower, genetics and other things can play into it too. So don't be such an ass.