By gpistas - 23/05/2010 06:08 - United States

Today, I was at dentist to get impressions made. The hygienist put way too much of the plaster stuff on the press. She put it in my mouth and asked if I was okay, I shook my head no and promptly vomited. It sat at the back of my throat and I could not spit it out until the plaster hardened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 815
You deserved it 3 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smiley_ily 0

eww, that's just gross, fyl.


autumn16 0

ewe I would have punched the dentist in the face!!

zerobahamut03 2

never had that done but that sounds like it sucks big time.

you gag so hard it's not even funny. horrible

guckylynn 19

I've never gagged from getting impressions, it just tastes disgusting.

And makes your lips look dreadfully ashy, like a crackhead!!

deannamarie12 0

Ha, it's okay OP! I hate getting them done too :( But if I were you, I wouldve done what #6 said to do :P

amandahugandkiss_fml_fml 0

I would have reached up and took it out. Not sat there with vomit in my mouth. :-(

Been there, done that. It's surprisingly not worth it because then you have to spend the next 15-20 minutes cleaning the puke and all the little bits of plastic-y stuff out of your mouth before doing it all again.

FCChelsea 3

Another reason why people should hate dentists.

pink_mx_braap 0

I call fake just bc if you puke and it's in your throat then it's blocking your airway. Hence you would of died. Way to die #blah blah blah Chucked Up on a thousand ways to die.

agreed 19, u would probably choke to death fool!

pink_mx_braap 0

Chelsea if it's a football club why are there vollyballs in the picture? ;p

pink_mx_braap 0

yeah 20 totally!! and for everyone else it's number 534 look it up!!!