By kashish0711 - 02/08/2009 16:14 - India

Today, I was at home, my mom came and saw me holding what she thought was a glass of beer. She took the glass, threw it and slapped me for drinking it. I was drinking Apple Juice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 694
You deserved it 3 183

Same thing different taste


I woulda made dat hoe lick the apple juice off the floor. Broken glass and all! Nah but seriously FYL op that does suck.

kmgentil 0

I LOVE APPLEJUICE, it is so good ahhh slap ur mom for wasting applejuice u could have gave it to me

i would have slapped her back . what a ******* idiot.

Roxas_fml 0

Your mom is a dumb bitch. Who is retarded enough to not know the difference between Apple Juice and Beer?

I agree. OP tell your mom not to overreact. Imagine when you drink water, she might think is LSD, or if you have diabetes, she might be thinking you're taking heroine.

RemembertheTime_fml 0

woah ho cool it mama. isnt drinking a normal part of indian culture? i always see indian men knockin back beer/whiskey like its water

The op is east Indian. I think you are thinking of native Americans aka natives aka the scum of the earth. All they do is get money from the government because of some old ******* treaty, don't work, get drugs and booze. And east Indians hit the sheesha pipe or something like that filled with "happy grass"

Either you're dumb, undereducated, or narrowminded.

PurryLucy 0

Haha plexico Reminds me of Bruno: "I will now give the child a traditional African name: OJ!!"