By kashish0711 - 02/08/2009 16:14 - India

Today, I was at home, my mom came and saw me holding what she thought was a glass of beer. She took the glass, threw it and slapped me for drinking it. I was drinking Apple Juice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 694
You deserved it 3 183

Same thing different taste


Ahaha, not to stereotype Indians, but as a fellow South Asian, I have to say...your mom WOULD slap you across the face for drinking beer that was really apple juice. :P

im sorry,but even if you were drinking beer, she had no right to slap you...

my friends an I were on a train once and my one friend who is 23 (I was 20) was brown baggin' some rum. I however, was drinking cream soda and a cop came up and harassed me for 10 minutes until he finally smelled it like I suggested. Then he just said, "Oh", and walked away. Jerk. Sucks that you got slapped though, and it sucks that your mom doesn't even know what beer looks like.

U should shown brand to your mum~~

Jaska have you ever been to Saskatchewan?Or Manitoba? Or even Alberta? 90% if not more of the serious crimes (stanbings, robbings, beating someone nearly to death for no reason) are all commited by natives here in these 3 provinces. Go to Thompson Manitoba and drive around, you will see what I mean. I am a 6ft 4"267 lb guy and I wouldn't even dare to walk down a street in Thompson by myself.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

does she have down syndrome?

Who pours beer into a glass? Unless of course your parents feel the need to keep it on tap.

weirdgirl_sf 0

That's kind of funny, but f your life because your mom is a total bitch. Good luck with that.

Well dude,my parents are indian and they would never do that. They dont want me to drink. But by saying that in india its a big deal to drink, thats being a hypocrite. Just because india is sumwhat cultured it dosent mean that they dont drink. Heck all of my moms and dads brothers and some sisters drink. God, they dont get slapped. My cousins drink and they dont get slapped lol. Wtf are you saying thats its a huge deal. Its not.I go to india like every year.

this is like the 4th or 5th stupid FML that I read today. this sucks.