By maxkeyftw - 17/10/2013 05:06 - United States - Clovis

Today, I was at the dentist getting a cavity fixed for the first time. The dentist showed me the drill and other tools, and referred to them as things like "Mr. Bumpy Brush". I'm 15. She thought I was "special". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 676
You deserved it 4 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did you turn up to the Dentist's in a short bus and wearing a bike helmet?

You should get back at her by licking her fingers when they're in your mouth


Nothing calms me down like baby talk from a professional.

All a dentist needs to calm me is "Mr. Happy", the face mask and a few deep breaths.

Then again, my dentist never gave it cute names. I had all but 2 of my baby teeth pulled and they always explained it in real terms.

OP at least he didn't drop dead while he was examining your teeth

aidem1988 7

just think, Mr bumpy brush will remove the cavity and make it feel all better lol.

If your teeth starts to ache from the cavity fill OP, take painkillers and rest.

Well, did you turn up to the Dentist's in a short bus and wearing a bike helmet?

You should get back at her by licking her fingers when they're in your mouth

I believe that would confirm the dentist's prior assumption.

Yea, then OP could be like "why you no taste like chicken?"

amaindayyy46 20

They wear gloves, it wouldn't matter.

If you think you're getting a cavity "removed", then yes, you are special.

Yes, just blame the drool on the numbness...I'm sorry though OP. You're special to us.

graceinsheepwear 33

My dentist called the slow drill Mr. Bumpy and the suction Mr. Thirsty. Into my teens also now that I think about it.

Did OP check the dentist's diploma? If she went to, maybe she thinks those are the official names of the tools. Seems to be a trend here...

graceinsheepwear 33

My little sister got to choose from several filling "types" when she was getting her first filling at around age 6. It was a number of years before she realized she didn't really have a "Winnie-the-Pooh filling" at all.

Wait so my Walter White root canal was a lie??

graceinsheepwear 33

18, just what did they use to put you under?

I don't remember much...but it was very blue.