By maxkeyftw - 17/10/2013 05:06 - United States - Clovis

Today, I was at the dentist getting a cavity fixed for the first time. The dentist showed me the drill and other tools, and referred to them as things like "Mr. Bumpy Brush". I'm 15. She thought I was "special". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 676
You deserved it 4 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did you turn up to the Dentist's in a short bus and wearing a bike helmet?

You should get back at her by licking her fingers when they're in your mouth


JMichael 25

It's sad how most everyone who's commented is calling the dentist a "he" it's clearly stated it was a woman.

Last I checked, a cavity is an empty space. How do you "remove a cavity"? Or maybe I'm just being a pedantic bastard.

that was my thought too. if you went into the dentist saying you needed a cavity removed that may be why she thought you were special. Either that or maybe OP talks like teenagers type, that would do it for me.

A dental cary is an infection. There IS something to remove - decayed enamel. "Cavity" is not a correct dental term

umm dentists called the hole made by bacteria a cavity

Yes caries= the destruction of tooth tissue. After a certain point the enamel is no longer supported by the weakened dentine under it and a cavity is formed- so yes cavity *is* a term we use. And to the lovely Doc-maybe OP thought that as the cavity is filled it's no longer a cavity and has therefore been "removed"? But no, you're right- they should have said they were having the cavity filled x

To be fair, OP did say he was there getting a cavity 'fixed' not 'removed'.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Maybe it was because you think a cavity gets removed instead of filled.

middlenamefrank 8

I came to the comment page to remark that they never remove my cavities, they just fill them. Then I saw that everybody else is making the same comment. It's official...I'm a troll. I feel an FML coming on.

Hope it went well... He has so many patients he might just do that out of reaction...

TrinityNevada 11

Oh. I forgot to say that many people say "cavities" when they mean fillings. At least Ive heard people do that. And it's not unusual to have fillings removed and replaced. I guess that's just waht I thought OP was talking about.

Whoo hoo for you!! You're the first person in the entirety of the world to never have a cavity! You must be so proud :)

I think they were just being nice or you look young witch ever it's okay

You are "special" if you think a cavity is "removed."

I'm pretty sure OP said 'fixed' not 'removed'

toomanyidiots 14

You're late to the party. It said "getting a cavity removed for the first time" before the FML was edited (presumably by FML staff).