By maxkeyftw - 17/10/2013 05:06 - United States - Clovis

Today, I was at the dentist getting a cavity fixed for the first time. The dentist showed me the drill and other tools, and referred to them as things like "Mr. Bumpy Brush". I'm 15. She thought I was "special". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 676
You deserved it 4 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did you turn up to the Dentist's in a short bus and wearing a bike helmet?

You should get back at her by licking her fingers when they're in your mouth


Did you get a lollipop, a balloon, or an "I was very brave" sticker there?

Don't be so patronizing. I think it's pretty insulting to talk to a 15 year old as if they're a small child.

skyeyez9 24

I rememberThe dentist referred to the suction straw to collect spit as "mr thirsty" when I was a kid.

Well if you are not. Special that is. Memorize the tool names for when you go back for a checkup and make her feel like an ass, of which your dentist is.

You're 19, it's not that far away from 15 so step down from the high horse.

Tonka2203 7

OP you are special to everyone here posting on FML.

Sweetpea22 14

I hope you go to the medical board and tell them that. She should have her dental license revoked

skyeyez9 24

If you are at a childrens dentist office, they call the tools those sill names out of habit. Not because they think you're stupid.