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By Jerrrr - 27/05/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, I wanted revenge on the rabbit who ate my garden's plants. When he returned, he was standing next to my brand new above-ground swimming pool. I pull out my 22. rifle and shot at it, but the bullet missed and popped a hole in my pool. 15,000 gallons of water flooded my basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 042
You deserved it 287 534

Same thing different taste

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Not only did you try to kill it instead of just relocating it, but you tried to justify your shit aim with 'the bullet missed' instead of 'I missed'. This one calls for a YDI unfortunately.


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yaintime21 0

uhhh cute furry little bunny or not you need to get some anger management. 749- true dat. 525- HAHHAHAHAHHA

AlmothePirate 0

@1 I shoot bunnies just for the sake of entertainment. and some rabbit stew. I'll make some moccasins for you next time.

bet that rabbit was laughin it's ass off later, it probably planned the whole thing

yashack 0

hey jer you're going at this thing all wrong. first of all, get some traps and rat posion

shut up you hippie progressive queers.

lol on the bright side you probably drowned the rabbit in the process :)

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joce445 0
Macromartyr 3

The bullet missed? I think YOU missed xD

I think you need the steady aim perk :P

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nxkftw 0

That's horrible.. but YDI for attempting to kill an innocent hungry animal.

treesdevin 0

I know right ...poor bunny :( YDI ****** animal murder.!! or should I say attempted murderer 8)

Not only that! He wasted 15,000 GALLON'S OF FRESHWATER. I HOPE YOU OP DIE AND GO TO HELL :@ What you did was horrible!

I disagree with your statements, that rabbit ate the plants he grew. it's not easy to have a garden. and if some stupid animal comes in and ruins all your hard work I think u would be mad too. just sayin.

simon_lala 0

You'd be surprised how fast plants grow. My parents have a garden and when it rains vegetables grow like weeds an we have rabbits around here too. Having a rabbit eat some plants isn't something to kill them over-he should've just blocked the entrance to the garden.


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I thought that, but there aren't too many rednecks in New York (I think!)

ScooterScott 0

Yes there are. An entire football team of them! GIANTS SUCK!

donttreadonme1 0

at metlzer um ya go in to up state new york my town were all rednecks my town has 5 and only 5 blacks :) (and a realy low crime rate) :)

donttreadonme1 0

at jlvert shut up commie and at mezer ya u should see my town in up state ny we r all rednecks :) and at jlvert again guns are the only reason u r free so stfu u oboma lovin commie

I think he has anger issues... animals are animals. get a tall fence or something

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krty402 7

what a classic redneck. he has the rifle on hand at all times along with an aboveground pool...

Not only did you try to kill it instead of just relocating it, but you tried to justify your shit aim with 'the bullet missed' instead of 'I missed'. This one calls for a YDI unfortunately.

rofl_lol_lmao 0

i loved the phrasing as well. i was going to comment but you beat me to it

haha you deserved that. im glad you're pool is destroyed.

**** all y'all damn rabbit next time don't miss buddy, kill the little ****

donttreadonme1 0

ya u are right exsept for your profile pic u stupid som b*tch