By juliaspaperbags - 16/08/2009 14:32 - United States

Today, I was at the lake watching a romantic sunset with my boyfriend. He tenderly started touching my thigh, then started shaking my leg to the rhythm while singing the J-E-L-L-O theme song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 854
You deserved it 8 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your boyfriend=WIN be grateful you have a hilarious boyfriend


1. To all the people commenting: no one gives a shit how much you weigh. 2. How is this a FML? You have a boyfriend. He doesn't mind the fact that your thighs jiggle (and let's face it, nearly everyone's thighs do it). He had fun with them. Get the **** over it. Or if you're so concerned/insecure, go exercise or something.


That sucks, but I don't think he means it in a nasty way... My guy does that too, People are just insensitive sometimes.

fartmouth123 0

everyone's legs jiggle. if your legs were completely hard and didnt move...thats not good. dont take it so personally. i bet his legs jiggle too.

Listen- you should be grateful you have a boyfriend who feels that he can play around with you like that. I'm TINY and my boyfriend still does it. When will women realize that if a guy loves you and is intimate with you- he could really care less about tiny things, and honestly, unless you say something he probably doesn't even notice. OP this isn't a matter of FYL or YDI- its a matter of you realizing that it sounds like you have a guy that's pretty darn into you. Get over it.

doubleAbattery 0

Don't worry too much about it. I don't know one single person whose legs don't jiggle like that. Anyone with .0001 percent body fat will have legs that jiggle, particularly if that person is female. Females just naturally carry more body fat, it prepares our bodies for childbearing. It doesn't make you fat.

spidergirl41 0

Your life is NOT ******, you whiney baby. If my boyfriend did that to me, I'd sing along with him. And #16, I completely agree. I weigh about 115, and I have cellulite AND my thighs wiggle. But, I am most definatly not fat. Don't be so sensitive, be thankful you were blessed with one of the few funny people left in this world.

Your boyfriend is hilarious. I wouldn't worry, all peoples' thighs jiggle unless they're anorexic or a bodybuilder, and no one looks good in those bodytypes.