By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my friend when I saw my boyfriend in Victoria's Secret - with another girl. They were joking and laughing, and I was really pissed off. So I stormed into the store and slapped him. He looked up at me with an angry and confused expression. It wasn't my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 91 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you my friend are an idiot and deserve it...I understand not recognizing him from a distance but by the time you were close enough to slap should have clicked that this guy looked a little different


Today, I was talking to a really nice, smart, funny girl in the mall. I started to really like her and she was about to give me her number when a random bitch walked up and slapped me for cheating on her. The girl I was talking to left without speaking to me. FML.

dana_mulder1995 0

i'm sorry, i think its an honest mistake. and i also think that its a waste of everyone's time to comment on how "stupid" and "psycho" the person who put this on here is. we all make mistakes, so get over it.

lol that sucks. you shud tell ur boyfriend this story lollll i love it

I bet you didn't know some guys (me) can appreciate a girl for friendship, and not just for a relationship. Don't date people until your paranoia issues have been resolved..

wow that poor hate to b slapped 4 nothing!

XxHU4LxX 0

I hope to god that you never reproduce, because you're a stupid, jealous bitch, and any guy that ends up with you will probably be equally, or even more stupid, and I'd really hate to see those kids.

wellthatsucksss 0

HAHAHAAH, that's actually hilarious. poor guy must have been so bewildered.. what did the girl do? :D

I punched a guy in the arm once thinking he was one of my friend but then he turned around to look at me and I saw that it wasn't lol thankfully when I explained he just laughed it off

tb15 0

what's with all the crazy girls on fml. To the OP since you started dating him have you talked to another male. If so you are a hypocrat.