By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my friend when I saw my boyfriend in Victoria's Secret - with another girl. They were joking and laughing, and I was really pissed off. So I stormed into the store and slapped him. He looked up at me with an angry and confused expression. It wasn't my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 876
You deserved it 91 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you my friend are an idiot and deserve it...I understand not recognizing him from a distance but by the time you were close enough to slap should have clicked that this guy looked a little different


Above the comment box, it says: "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." In my opinion, calling someone a moron is certainly not respectful. Just saying.

Um...little news flash for you, here. It might come as a shock to you, but here we go: No one gives a shit about that line. The bitch is a moron.

smashyy 0

Yeah, no one listens to that #25 OP is a moron. At least get a little closer and make sure it's him before you do anything drastic. Bitch. YDI

taoxyeuxmay 4

you might be a jerk, but you, sir, are right. Dude, what an idiot.

The key word is TRY. People can TRY to be respectful all they want, but when it comes to pure acts of moronity, it's sometimes just not possible. =)

alexgisforme3 0

im so sorry lol. i guess he looked like ur bf then

nice! you're a jealous, untrusting idiot, AND you apparently can't tell your boyfriend from a complete stranger. congratulations, someone make this chick a trophy.

only in ny. haha dontcha think tht was a little rash?? w/e we all do stupid things.

coca_chloe 0

ha. you should know what your boyfriend looks like.. hahaha. wow.

BladeSlayer 0

YDI for being a jealous bitch.

LoveFifteen 0

Umm, New York is a state, not a city. This girl could be from a tiny, tiny town in upstate New York that is more culturally similar to a small town in Ohio then New York City. Just sayin'. LOL @ the OP. This is not an FML at all.

DeadMansCrack 4

You deserve it , you blind bitch. I hate when girls slap guys. Most guys are gentlemen and won't hit back. Some day, a girl is gonna slap the wrong guy. (cough,cough) *Chris Brown*. But seriously one time my friend started clawing me and slapping me because she thought I threw something at her, and I couldn't do anything about it. Watch your back OP, because soon you'll come across a guy that won't just sit there and do nothing when you throw a hissy fit and go around slapping them.

icertainlysuck 0

I agree, bitches in this country think they can do anything the **** they want to hurt guys. **** that C*nt!

Guys aren't supposed to hit girls? I thøught that that was normal for guys to hit girls..

Be happy the woman he was with didn't drop you to the ground and go ape-shit on you, or worse... He presses assault charges! You deserve it and are lucky that situation didn't go from bad to worse for you!