By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my friend when I saw my boyfriend in Victoria's Secret - with another girl. They were joking and laughing, and I was really pissed off. So I stormed into the store and slapped him. He looked up at me with an angry and confused expression. It wasn't my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 876
You deserved it 91 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you my friend are an idiot and deserve it...I understand not recognizing him from a distance but by the time you were close enough to slap should have clicked that this guy looked a little different


meddude 0

first, what gives you the right to hit someone in general?? second, are you one of those bitches that assumes that a guy can't have a friend who's a girl? seriously, i know girls who are just friends and we typically just go into those stores to just laugh and joke around (before any troll tries to say "oh that dude's gay", i'm 100% straight, just so you know). you absolutely don't deserve any human contact. i hope that dude filed an assault charge against you. what a bitch.

ghostgirll 0

first of all, you clearly don't trust your boyfriend. second of all, you're kind of delusional and very very paranoid. next time, relax, evaluate the situation, and you know, if you decide that your boyfriend is actually in a Victoria's Secret with another girl, GET A GOOD LOOK AT HIM BEFORE YOU SLAP HIM.

ghostgirll 0

first of all, you clearly don't trust your boyfriend. second of all, you're kind of delusional and very very paranoid. next time, relax, evaluate the situation, and you know, if you decide that your boyfriend is actually in a Victoria's Secret with another girl, GET A GOOD LOOK AT HIM BEFORE YOU SLAP HIM.

xkaitlinwhitex 0

LMAO fyl then again now that i think about it, you did assume something that could have been totally innocent regardless of whether or not he was your boyfriend. think about it, he could have been getting you a gift and asking his female friend for advice since after all she is a girl.

amaneylandx3 0

I think that any girl who is strong enough to actually walk up to a stranger and slap him is a friend of mine.

wakingzombies 0

And I think that you need to march your ass down to the nearest bar and slap the drunkest man in the place. When your broken arm heals enough to be useful again, make me a sandwich and apologize for taking advantage of double standards. That's not being 'strong', that's being cowardly.

117 Yeah, slapping random people really shows courage. Moron

More like F his life, you dumbass. Now his girlfriend probably thinks he's cheating on HER. And he's the one that's going to get screwed over by all of it.

kikchik2491 0

YDI for not knowing what your boyfriend looks like =

tweaker18 0

why didnt you just call him, and see if he answered it? and if he answered it, but they guy in the store didnt, then it wasnt your boyfriend and all of this couldve been avoided

mannyisdashit 0

well, i would believe that even if he was cheating on you, you dont have the right to hit anybody so if i were him, i would file a lawsuit against you

dj_walls2424 0

**** ur life? what do u think that guys girlfriend was thinking when you went up and slapped him....? now she probably thinks he was cheating on her with you. your an idiot.....