By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my friend when I saw my boyfriend in Victoria's Secret - with another girl. They were joking and laughing, and I was really pissed off. So I stormed into the store and slapped him. He looked up at me with an angry and confused expression. It wasn't my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 876
You deserved it 91 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you my friend are an idiot and deserve it...I understand not recognizing him from a distance but by the time you were close enough to slap should have clicked that this guy looked a little different


stupid mole. GROW up. these are all most as lame as the op's that say it ended up being his sister or coz.. Do society a favor.. go abort yourself.

i wish he would have punched you in the face

trulyinsane 0

"today, i was underwear shopping with my girlfriend and a nut job **** slapped me for no reason. FML." don't assume things. don't be reactive, be proactive. this is a lot like the fml where a dude was with his cousin and got slapped. to bad the dude's girlfriend didn't hit you back.

Don't be a stupid ****. If you're going to let your blind rage control you in a public place, at least be prepared to take what's coming to you. You're lucky the guy didn't decide to knock you out.

Consider yourself lucky you didn't get the old boot to the face.

kristina_duh 0

now half yall kno if yall saw your bf or gf yall would go crazy too so dont go hard on her but she could have made sure it was him before she slapped him

People like 89 should be allowed to breed

Lonely4 0

#*( -- you're that trashy and ignorant to cause such a ridiculous, just-for-attention scene in public? That's pathetic. It's like they taught you in kindergarden and elementary school (maybe you didn't make it that far in school)....use your words, not your fists....