By BracesSuck - 09/04/2009 12:33 - United States

Today, I was at the orthodontist. As the lady was clipping my brackets, she missed and clipped my gums instead. She looked at me and said, "Oh sorry, you're bleeding really badly. See, I got these fake nails put on and I guess I'm just not used to them. Let me try again." She missed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 577
You deserved it 3 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uconnrunner 0

You should probably sue that bitch

babble 0

I hate being "worked on" (dentist, physical therapist, etc.) by people who are incompetent or not careful.


DeeJayD 0

She's totally incompetent. She shouldn't even be wearing fake nails, that's just colossally retarded in and of itself.

Everyone who said this person deserves this is just idiotic. =) Generalizing ftw.

dreams_infinity_fml 0
brillotin 0

First thought... If she is a professional in this line of work how is fake nails even allowed?

OMFG D: I feel so bad for you! You'd better sue her. O-o;

ouch.... I find #6 to be ironic LOL :p

I'd rather be worked on by that donkey from Family Guy. Anyone see that episode?

jessica_93 0

ah thats my worst fear at the orthodontist that sucks