By BracesSuck - 09/04/2009 12:33 - United States

Today, I was at the orthodontist. As the lady was clipping my brackets, she missed and clipped my gums instead. She looked at me and said, "Oh sorry, you're bleeding really badly. See, I got these fake nails put on and I guess I'm just not used to them. Let me try again." She missed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 577
You deserved it 3 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uconnrunner 0

You should probably sue that bitch

babble 0

I hate being "worked on" (dentist, physical therapist, etc.) by people who are incompetent or not careful.


lolzorspoop 0

orthofukingdontists are the biggest idiots in the world, when i had braces they would go around in groups of 5 from chair to chair, cause they needed teamwork

you should have said, well sure you can try again, as long as i get to try on you!!

primogen18 0

This happened to me once getting a haircut, she clipped the bottom of my ear with scissors, was bleeding for a while too. that sucks.

I used to do dental assisting and according to OSHA, it is ILLEGAL for them to have fake nails because of all the bacteria they can carry. Sue the b****

I would complain to her supervisor, if she's done this twice to you, there's a chance she'll do it to someone else. And I would definitely refuse to get in the chair next time she's around! Carmel- brackets are the little metal pieces they glue to your teeth to hold the wires in place.

Medical malpractice suit on her ass! There's no reason for that.

do you go to some ortho in the middle of nowhere run by people who didn't even graduate with a degree?

nooo, all orthodontists r just 2 caught up in conversations to pay attention to their patients mouths.