By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 972
You deserved it 23 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


how embarassing. if she understood your point of view maybe you'll actually become friends.

doggie3 0

Well, good for you foe sticking up for your son. That's the right thing to do.

x_Leopard_x 1

It's not really your fault because kids do make fun of other kids like that; who knows, maybe they will become friends? =)

DoMeBaby 1

That's emmbarassing! And that's also why you should keep your mouth shut if you really don't know anything

DoMeBaby 1

Imagine if you had a kid with a disability, and other kids would often mock them.

I would hope the parent of the girl understood!

ky_stone22 0

I agree with you to a certain point. There are many MANY parents that are bitter and like to think that their children are everything and should get every special treatment because they are special. And, to be honest, some of the actual children are like that. There's a handicapped kid in my school (he's in a wheelchair), and he expects everyone to get out of his way. People do indeed expect people to accommodate them and feel it is their right. While I agree with the opinion that the OP should've waited for the offender to pointedly mock her son or that she should've asked her if she was actually mocking him, I do see where she's coming from. As I'm sure you, #41, know from experience, it's very hard to have an special loved one. As the OP said, she was fed up with people mocking her child. Maybe she's let it slide for, in her opinion, too long, and finally decided to take a stand? I can definately see the logic in the OP's thinking; it just didn't turn out to be what she thought. OP, good luck with your son. I wish him the best, and the other teenaged girl.

CaptainCrunch_fml 0

Omg hahaha you're such a ******* idiot! You must get hit in the head by lacrosse balls, and footballs 5 times daily, not to mention slammed on your head in your little singlet. You wouldn't "waste your time" making fun of them? You're sure "wasting your time" writing your idiotic ******* tangent. The OP got mad at someone because she thought someone was making fun of her loved one. If people continually made fun of someone you love, are you actually saying that you wouldn't defend them? Because guess what asshole? Mentally challenged people CAN'T DEFEND THEMSELVES. And people DO make fun of the mentally handicapped. A lot. You have no idea how times I have actually just let go of people making fun of my autistic sister. It's frustrating. She understands that she is being made fun of, it hurts her, and she canNOT defend herself. What does your ******* dead brother have to do with OP. Doesn't. At all. Idiot. If someone was insulting your dead brother, would you just let it go??? I really ******* doubt it. At least he's alive? You have no idea what the life of a mentally challenged person is like. It's not only hard to take care of them, but they have a frustrating life because there's so much they don't and/or can't understand. By the way, are you saying that just because most mentally challenged people can't tell that they're being made fun of makes it okay to make fun of them??? That's like saying talking behind people's backs is okay because they don't know you're doing it. You're a real smart, kind person. The OP does not think her son is better than everyone else, that's not even relevant you ******* moron. You get made fun of, I'd be shocked if YOU didn't since you're so stupid, but the point is THAT YOU CAN DEFEND YOURSELF. If you had a lisp, something you couldn't help, are you saying you wouldn't be offended when so many people made fun of you? You're so stupid. She's not "sheltering" her son, she's taking care of someone who needs to be cared for. Not many mentally challenged can live on their own, they need people there. "Treating him like a little bitch who needs to be protected WILL NOT HELP HIM OUT IN LIFE!" Oh my god...I can't believe how dumb you are. They do need to be protected because most of them can't even live on their own. They need help. A lot of them hurt themselves daily, and will always need people there. I hope a lacrosse ball hits you so hard in the head, you become a mentally disabled person yourself. When people make fun of you then, we'll see if you're grateful for the people who defend since you wouldn't be able to do it yourself.