By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 968
You deserved it 23 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


Hich17 0

Serves you right for being the embodiment of what you were so fed up with. Sorry about your son.

thank you very much, 106. just because a person has a disability doesn't make them unwanted.

I miss the good old days when families hid their retarded children from view instead of parading them around public parks.

bluedoll 1

You're just a trollish ass. Go to Hell and burn for being such an offensive twat.

I'm so tired of that shit, only a truly idiotic Bush/Cheney loving, Fox tv watching Redneck would believe that there is such a thing as a "death panel" in the health care bill Obama is trying to pass. I'm willing to bet that you also believe he's not an Americian citizen or that he's a racist. I apoligize for my rant if you were being sarcastic, I'm just getting so fed up with all the lies and misinformation being spread by a political party that lost all credability with a couple little things called "The War on Terror" or even better that failure called "The War on Drugs" why not just merge them and call them "The War on Freedom/ Rights" but you are right that pimpin88 should be killed, but you are wrong about how, it needs to be by the AIDS related death that a virgin who calls themself that needs to have

bluedoll 1

Well kiddo, you have friends who have autistic siblings? Then you should know that autism does not equal mental retardation. Autism is a spectrum disorder in which people do not understand social norms, can not accommodate social norms, do not form interpersonal relationships EASILY, have repetitive behaviors, especially as a way of calming themselves, do not communicate well. Below is a list of early signs * Lack of or delay in spoken language * Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects) * Little or no eye contact * Lack of interest in peer relationships * Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play * Persistent fixation on parts of objects ( You really don't get it. At no point does it say that they don't pick up on things. They can certainly realize that they are being made fun of. And you do not know how "bad" this child's autism is. It could be mild, it could be severe. And they have to be watched out for if it is severe or they are young. They often don't have reactions to pain--I have seen children put their hands through glass doors and not cry. Listen, I understand you're doing all this stuff in high school, and that is a really good thing. However, you seem to lack proper communication skills about yourself and your judgment about life in regards to "protecting" the child is a bit off base. At no point did she say she was shielding her child from the world, OP actually said she was fed up with people being ignorant and making fun of her child. She went about it the wrong way but there was no need for your response. Also, are you saying autism isn't that big of a deal? I have worked with autistic children and it is that big of a deal. You don't seem to understand that OP's son probably never says "I love you" and seldom looks OP in the eye. He may freak out if OP tries to touch him. Autism is one of the hardest disorders on parents because they love that child more than anything and that child often can't make that same connection. While you claim not to be "ignorant" or "immature," you show your ignorance because you're not willing to accept that someone else has life rough and that this very serious disorder is hell. You're obviously immature and I can only imagine what I would do were you in my class. I know your type and I don't appreciate your behavior. Stop thinking you're better than others because of what you do. Son, you may have plenty of "popular" teams you're on, but high school will end for you soon and then you'll be out in the real world where people simply don't care how great you think you are. The following is a quote from bigpimpin88 "MAKE THE ******* EFFORT TO HELP THEM BECOME NORMAL! STOP BITCHING AT NORMAL PEOPLE FOR BEING A LITTLE SHOCKED! DAMN!" You CAN NOT help them become NORMAL. There is improvement with therapy but they will not be "normal." And "normal" people shouldn't be "shocked." They should at least understand that disorders exist. I'm not innocent of being shocked, but when I realized my mistake I was thoroughly ashamed of myself. You should be too. You, son, are the most immature "mature" kid I have ever had the displeasure of reading. And making jokes is that big of a deal. Because it goes from jokes to something worse if people don't realize they're wrong. I've seen it happen. I really wish you'd step into my classroom just so I could rip self righteous ideals out from under you and show you who you really are. An insecure child who thinks the world revolves around him. Grow up.

#39 And my dad was blown up when an on-strike worker planted a trip-wire triggered bomb on the underground tracks 11 days before my first birthday. It killed eight other men if you want to know. I don't get after other people for discussing their problems, because the way people handle problems is their own, and not everyone's brother dies (I'm sorry for that btw).

#71- Not being ignorant and being intelligent are definetely not the same thing. Yeah, great, 2+2=4, but if you think that's it's okay to tease anybody, ESPECIALLY mentally challenged individuals, you are definetely ignorant. They cannot, as others have truthfully said, defend themselves. No, they are not better, but they do have special needs and require different treatment, and I mean that in a good way. As for you brother being dead, sorry to hear it, but please explain what that has to do with the OP's kid, or any special needs person brought up here, being challenged? Really? "Who cares if you "love him to death"? My brother IS DEAD, you stupid little prick! And you respect and adore and protect him?" I'm sure you miss your brother, but there's absoulutely no reason why you have to slam other people for loving and protecting their loved ones. That sentence doesn't even makes sense!! Also, there is no "real world" for autistic people. They live in their own world, all the time. Taking care of them WILL NEVER HURT THEM, only help them. They never face the real world, if they need round-the-clock care anyways. You obviously need to figure out if what you say is true before you say it. Also. Usually the individuals that do have odd habits such as flapping their arms are worse off in their problem (as in mild autism compared to severe) and are too far gone, if you will, to be taught to control it. Please, please try to consider research. ------ I try to respect and understand everyone's opinion. However, yours truly makes no sense and I cannot see where you are coming from. Sorry.

That sucks, my brother has autism too and people also make fun of him.

Good for you for standing up for your son, I hope he other mother understood. People who make fun of people with disabilities have reserved a special place in hell for themselves.

You're an idiot and deserve a retarded kid.. cooooongwadulations, wetawd!

3P0N1N3 0

You're sure living up to your name, though probably not in the way you intended.