By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 968
You deserved it 23 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


Before everybody becomes angry and writes every insult they know, I just want to say that I know many people with mental handicaps. But by bringing your child into public, you must have already believed that he was ready to socialize with others. So it's not fair for you to become angered over the fact that some people have different opinions about other kids. Some kids make fun of others just to act up. And then there are others whose innocence keeps them from realizing that your child may have a handicap. The way that they may see it is that your kid was having a fun time. If you want to take him out, teach him how right from wrong and how to socialize and he should be fine. But if you assume that he should know this, then it's your fault. You can't just pick fights with anybody that does him wrong. I have a neighbor with Autism who has snuck into our house, beat our cats and stabbed my best friend. His parents never took any time to teach him and believed other people were just malicious, so when their son saw a movie, he believed he could pick up a knife and shove it through my friends leg. If your son is really flapping his arms and standing on his toes, and you have problems with other people finding it strange, maybe you should try your best to communicate that he may appear "weird" to others.

3P0N1N3 0

It doesn't sound like you know much about people with mental disabilities at all. You can't just shut them up in the house because they're "weird." As for the kid who stabbed your friend, yes, parents should take care to teach their kids, but you have to realise that it's an actual disease, not just a bad upbringing. Telling them to stop isn't going to do anything. Also, do you think it's really fine for other people to make fun of him? The OP did the right thing.

arienh4 0

Hold on there buddy. Autism. Is. Not. And. Never. Will. Be. A. Disease. It's REALLY insulting when someone claims it is.

Krissa 0

I have a disability and my mom and 2 brothers always told kids off because I didn't know what to do. I'm seventeen years old now and I can take care of myself now. It DOES hurt when kids, even if they are young, to bully someone, especially a disabled kid. In elementary school, I was rarely invited to birthday parties. I remember seeing the whole class getting invitations but not me. I was the only kid who didn't get invited because I was "weird". It still hurts but some kids don't understand disabilities and the others are just mean. Parents with disabled kid(s) can relate to this mother. The OP reminds me of MY mother. It hurts to have a kid, disabled or not, to be bullied while sitting there when its happening.

I totally agree with you. One of my best friends had a really weird twitch in middle school that made people make fun of him. For some reason it was so bad that nobody wanted to do anything with him, whether it was after school, a class activity, or anything. Some kids are truly ****** up in how they treat others, and others genuinely don't understand. Anyone can relate to this mother, whether you know someone disabled or not. It would be a lie for someone to say they wouldn't do the same thing.

You know, there are many children without disabilities who are called "weird" and live what you live. I've been beaten and insulted by other kids from elementary school to high school (I'm now at university, and still don't get along with a lot of people, even my friends find me "weird"). I know it hurts to have this kind of life, but I guess people tend to mock other, judge them or be mean to them, some actually have problems too and that's why they act badly. It shouldn't be an excuse, and I understand the OP, but sometimes the best way to defend onseself is to learn to ignore others and live. Most people won't try to understand or like people who seem different, they just mock them because they think they are normal, or because they are insecure... The world's like that.

I'm autistic too and was bullied in can be stressful just cause I can't just act like everyone else and feel left out..

arienh4 0

Been there, done that. It's sad, really, nobody knew until I was 13.

94: Yeah... notice how in most of pimpin's post, he has to make an allusion to a chick he banged, how many times he's gotten it, how smart he is, etc... Makes me wonder if it's really an *i*llusion

arienh4 0

That's the idiots over at Autism Speaks. That organisation does not deserve a cent.


arienh4 0

Pimpin, you are definitely "immature" or "ignorant" you ****. Seeing as you're giving so much value to IQ, I'll mention that mine is 138, by your standards that makes me smarter than you, therefore you can't prove me wrong.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

wow. do you have down syndrome?

kezzstar 0

AWESOME! I have Aspergers syndrome, and I wish I had more friends like me. Oh well, I guess you can only play the hand you're given. Good luck, and totally not an FML!!!!!!!!!!!!