By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 968
You deserved it 23 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


caoyun 0

I'm just curious, do you actually know what IQ measures? In no way does it measure how much knowledge you have. It measures your ability to learn and incorporate new knowledge. Thus, if you have a high IQ, you are theoretically better equipped to learn than someone with a low IQ. But you can be perfectly ignorant with a high IQ. That's the thing a lot of people with high IQs don't realize. You aren't just magically knowledgeable. You still have to make an effort to learn. You may be intelligent, but you've proven that you are pretty darn ignorant, my friend. Ignorance is pretty much something you can only shed with experience. You're in high school. You're normal in your ignorance. I'm a recent college graduate -- I'm plenty ignorant myself. And you are most definitely immature. I love how your answer to claims of immaturity is that you play on three sports teams. Since when is being athletic a cure for immaturity? Sports can teach us many things, and many young athletes are highly mature. But many are also highly immature. I am curious, though, what are the three "popular best" sports? I didn't know that had ever been defined absolutely. You know how to run a business? What sort of business? I highly doubt anyone would want to put you at the head of a Fortune 500 company right now. If you mean a small business, than you won't be impressing anyone. I have a friend who is probably of slightly above average intelligence who has been running a small business very successfully since she entered high school. It honestly isn't that hard, depending on the industry. And doing stocks? A monkey could buy and sell stocks. It's not exactly rocket science. Finally, my friend, one thing you need to learn as you get older is that very few people are going to be impressed by your IQ. It's kinda like saying "my penis is x inches long." When it comes down to it, no one really cares. You just sound like an arrogant little kid when you pull out your IQ. I have a doctor who is a member of Mensa. He has the certificate in his office, hanging with his diplomas. Am I impressed? Not a chance. Instead, I'm a little put off that he's such an arrogant asshole that he feels the need to pay an annual fee to convince people that he's smart. I qualify for Mensa. I wouldn't pay to be a member and I certainly don't go around bragging about it. It's just a number, buddy. And it doesn't matter how high that number is. The only thing that matters is what you do with it. All this being said, you're probably a pretty bright guy. You just have a lot to learn. I'm not talking about book learning, but life learning. It doesn't matter how smart you are. You're a kid. You don't know shit. Welcome to life!

omg people have written some ****** essays on this 1. But dude you don't deserve it it was just a mistake

Except that Autism is what is called a spectrum is different symptoms in every person who has it....the chances that she would do exactly the same as your son is next to impossible. And you're a bitch for assuming everything revolves around you and your son.

arienh4 0

Not really. I have Asperger. I am in a support group-like thing with other people with Asperger's and most of us have more or less the same symptoms. It's a spectrum disorder, but that doesn't mean that everyone's on a different part of the spectrum.

Lemurcat 12

I realize i'm 4 years late for this, but seriously? OP wasn't acting like the world revolves around her son. And you, yourself, actually said the key words as to why OP felt the need to defend her kid. Autism is a spectrum disorder, and while it's far from "next to impossible" to find someone with the similar symptoms as another (as another commenter has proven) to be out in a random location, what are the chances that a kid who's doing, what sounds like, the same thing as her kid is actually autistic herself? The chances were fairly high that the kid was mocking her son. Thankfully she wasn't, but OP still had grounds to defend her son.

Aspergers is a seperate type of autism though. Most people who have Aspergers are diagnosed with it because they have specific symptoms..Autism as a whole though, is spectrum and varied per individual. I work with 4 kids with Autism and they all have it manifested in different ways.

Actually, most people who have AS are not diagnosed with it (depend on the country) because this disability is still unknown and they can adapt a bit sometimes so people don't suspect anything. It's just like being dyslexic, dsyparxic or anything like that, some people aren't and will never be diagnosed because they "hide" their disability.

rihannalover 0

it's not like you could have known. you probably just were used to seeing kids make fun of him. it's so great that you would do that for your son. he has great parents!

LOL! Unlucky OP hopefully the other parent understood that u wer just trying to stand up for ur kid and that it was an honest mistake and in no way a malicious one. screwtaylor - not funny even if borat had said it it still wouldv not been funny. That kind of humour (if u can really call it humour) is just wrong on every level.

OMFG!! I only read the ignorant comments from pim-no -one-really-cares-who-i-am-pim and the idiot who talked about the kids having sex bcause they have autism! I cant believe (admittingly naivly) there would be worse comments on this page further down but im sorry "UNWANTED KIDS"! no kids r unwanted ffs u bigotted little shit! As horrible as it is to wish some1 to have a disabled kid u almost make me wish ur first born is disabled.ALMOST. U know those ppl no one likes or cares about? THEY r U! p.s. i agree 100% bluedoll

Chocolate_Chunk 2

No kids are unwanted? You believe that crap, seriously? You know the people with no knowledge of the world? "THEY r U!"

arienh4 0
Chocolate_Chunk 2

No, I'm a person that lives in the real world, the world where stuff like dumpster babies happens, where cities have to put up anonymous baby-throw-away-stations to keep infant death down, a world where poor people in poor countries sell their kids for a bit of food and so on. "no unwanted kids" is a stupid lie you tell yourself because you can't handle the real world. See: dumpster babies: throw-away-stations: selling:

arienh4 0

Yeah, there's still nothing I can add. You call me someone who can't handle the real world and you're dumb enough to relate something about autism to underprivileged children in third world countries. Maybe you should learn what 'context' means.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Maybe you should learn that "no kids are unwanted" is an absolute. If I talked about robbers and said something like "all blacks are criminals", would you take this in context as "all black robbers are criminals" or would you throw a shitstorm because of how racist I was? guess the latter. if you're no racist, that is. The best part is, even if we would take that as "no autistic kids are unwanted", it would still be bullcrap. Even "no autistic kids in suburbs of america are unwanted" would be an utter lie. Your rhetoric was just shattered. Have a nice day.

arienh4 0

It's easy to make any point sound right if you add irrelevant examples. The examples you provided were not relevant to this situation at all. However, it is impossible to argue with anyone who's as self-righteous as you. I hate narcissism.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

so, your arguments were crushed but you're too proud to admit defeat, so you just declare that I'm self-righteous in vain hope that that would distract anyone from the fact that you were just wrong. Classy.

arienh4 0

No, but you will never accept the fact that you never 'crushed' anything. So why bother?

YDI for taking an autistic kid out in public. Autistic kids are so ******* annoying and stupid.