By bsaucedo - 28/07/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I was at the Wild Animal Park. There were bees everywhere. One brave bee, thinking he was Mr. Macho, flew right down my tank top in between my boobs. I freaked the hell out and ended up screaming and pulling down my shirt to get the bee out. I flashed about 10 kids and their families. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 937
You deserved it 9 919

bsaucedo tells us more.

bsaucedo 0

who says my tank top was low cut and my cleavage was showing ? my shirt doesnt need to be low cut for a bee to fly in. so you deserve to be run over :)


HAHA favorited just because you said mr. macho. lol

One day, the dog named John walked over the street. Suddenly, a pink car with three legs ran over the street. It stopped and asked for the 5`th session of Friends, but John told that it wasn`t made yet. The car was angry, and spitted cacodemons out his two mouths. The cacodemons duplicated each other, and ate up all the Scooby-snacks. The old lady shouted at Pikachu, and fired a missile at him. Pikachu evolved into Weedle, and throwed a burning banana at the car. The banana got angry, and tried to rule the world. John told the banana that MTV ruled the world, and ate him. The banana tasted old shoes, wich was not so weird, because it was a super sayajin. The green pig with the bell, ran towards the car, and exploded like a sheep. Suddenly, the car started an earthquake, and the whole world turned into a ice cream. The orcs started an revenge on Donald Duck, and turned him to a pink bear. The old lady advanced into level 10, and turned into a Fire Demon. The fire demon burned down all mushrooms, (which was the houses on the planet) and fried all flying carrots.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or scold you for your insensitive remark.

i really hope ur alergic!!! that would justify it if not u moron it fells like getting pinched big deal!!! I wish I was at the wild animal park that day haha then again I would have whistled and then been slapped by my wife haha

I wanna giv that bee a hi5 what a mad dog. lol

(sarcastically) omg! What will they do? Ten kids are now scarred for life!

maddiesonnn 0

someone broke the public idecentcy law...