By Soap0015 - 16/08/2012 09:57 - United States

Today, I was at work as a lifeguard. The temperature was absolutely stifling, but I tried to tough it out. A couple of hours into my shift, I passed out, fell off my stand, and crashed into the water. Or so the medics tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 204
You deserved it 2 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How ironic. A lifeguard needed to be saved from the water.

Here in its natural habitat, the lifeguard would rather pass out from dehydration, than to drink from the watering hole like everyone else. Fascinating!


Suddenly, panic arises on the beach! People start to drown left and right, and the only lifeguard on duty has passed out of heat stroke! D: WHO WILL SAVE US?

I work at a pool too and feel very close to that daily! Water and regular breaks off poolside and you'll be fine. Hope you feel better now.

debbster7 18

Drink lots of water and jump in the pool, if you ever feel like your about to pass out again.

I know a lot of lifeguards aren't allowed to leave their stands, so bringing a water bottle (or two) along for the shift can't hurt.

I might be picky but water at those temperatures tend to get quite hot and I don't know about you but I personally really don't like hot water.. So asking another staff member to take 1 minute and bring you some fresh water would be my way of going about it.

Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.

Doc, do you know what happened to the previous FML?

Michael_92 20

It entered the Bermuda Triangle to never be seen again.

25- sometimes an Fml is ...hated? Nasty? I guess, and mods remove it. There was previously a fat Fml and all the comments were mean so they removed it.

91 - that's a line from classic poem, are you kidding me? He's stating that the lifeguard works around a bunch of water, but none of it is safe to drink.

Just keep swimming swimming swimming.......

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Dude you can go in the water, everyone understand. Rehydrate at least once an hour via refreshment or going in the water. Just saying.

pinkpixie06 11

Do they have umbrellas on your chairs to give you some protection from the sun? If not, that would help a bit. And remember to hydrate!

The medics....? Why wouldn't another lifeguard just come help?

I could tell from your picture and about me that you're ditzy. (with nooo brain on ;)