By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was at work lifeguarding and saw a kid drowning on the far end of the pool. I decided running would be the quickest way to get to her, but as I ran across the pool deck I slipped and hit my head. The kid's mother jumped in to save her child and then called an ambulance for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 052
You deserved it 13 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatmarielsaid 0

LOL isn't there a rule there saying, "no running around the pool area"? or something along those lines. jeez.

lol least you tried, that's all matters.


cucuto89 0

Alright too all the people saying YDI for running, let me just say this. I work as a life guard, and swimming across a big pool to save someone is the last thing you want to do. If the pools crowded, you'll have to push people out of your way, Plus if your anything like most people on this earth, then you cant move as fast in the water as you can on land. It's the lifeguards judgement to decide if the best way to get to a victim is by land or water. if someone is in the middle of the pool, you should probaly swim, but if someone is near the edge of the pool, and is drowning, then swimming might take you longer than running there. If the guard judges that he can get there faster by land, then do you really want to see him walking over there? Hell no if someone is seriously in trouble, then he needs to get his ass over there as quickly as possible. God bless the OP though, your better than a lot of the other lifeguards I work with, And I personally would've probably reacted in the same fashion as you did.

loooooooooool_fml 1

I love how people think that Lifeguards are some robots. They are humans as well. They make mistakes. 23 is right. Running always beats swimming. Maybe he/she was the only one there, as in the other lifeguard was away at that current time and couldn't swim over there. Seriously, you guys are ******* retards (not counting in the people with a little bit logical thinking). THINK, before you post. @OP: Shit happens. What if the mother could have been a total bitch at you?

I say FYL. that really sucks. If i were you in your situation, I would've ran too.

YDI, YDI, YDI! No seriously, you've been around a pool long enough to become a lifeguard, and you still haven't understood *why* there's a no running rule? Really?

dont you guys put up the no running signs?

Why are there so many "Agrees"? You deserve it definitely! You're a terrible lifeguard, and should not be certified.

ToonAddict 0

You're life is ******. As a fellow lifeguard I can totally sympathize with that plight. Don't listen to anybody being snarky, you did the right thing. Most people who are being all "you dont deserve to be a lifeguard!' clearly aren't lifeguards and don't understand the quick choices that must play into things to make the save. I salute you, breathren!!!

#61 and #63 i agree completely! i'm a lifeguard too!! i just think OP should be a tiny bit more careful, or just swim it.

that_guy321 2

i must say that that really sucks however, you do kinda deserve it, as that law about no running is so strictly enforced by you lifeguards.

Obviously not many people here are lifeguards. I've been lifeguarding for a year, and that's what I'm trained to do: run to the best spot near the victim, then dive in. And don't worry about the people calling you a bad lifeguard. I've heard stories along the same line about amazing lifeguards (like the head guard in a nearby town) that are even more embarrassing. People don't realize what a truly difficult job lifeguarding is.