By Anonymous - 11/06/2014 22:46 - United States - Russell Springs

Today, I was babysitting a little girl. I let her play with a box of old Star Wars toys to keep her occupied while I quickly went to use the bathroom, and when I returned she was making the 15 or so figures have a massive orgy, sex sounds included. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 541
You deserved it 5 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nick_Corso 17

I don't know how you could respond to that


squarecircles 13

No no! That's not how the movie goes! Sorry...

yeaaa... I was that kind of little girl who made the dolls/figures have sex.. just act like you didn't see anything

Yep, beeen there done that. I agree with #80 just ignore it. It's the phase you go through right before you grow out of playing with dolls.

I would let the parents know. If it's really that and not just a kid who thinks that's a different sound, something is wrong

If "the force" was used is it rape??

Actually that is also a sign of sexual abuse... Keep that in mind scary but true

KoolKatKailey 14

Our future is in good hands.