By anonymous - 21/01/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I was bet 100 dollars that I couldn't break a piece off a brick with my head. I couldn't, and I have 2 gashes in my head now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 906
You deserved it 73 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anti09 1

I'd say you should be hospitalized to check for brain damage, but then I realized it's probably unnecessary considering you thought breaking a brick with your head was a good idea in the first place. YDI for being so profoundly retarded. Next time, do something fatal and remove yourself from the gene pool.

lametroll 0

I imagine that brick was the most sure thing going through your head at the time.


wow someone is quite the little genius lol

shaniascreams 0

Your such a dumbass , no joke .

DR3AML0V3R234 0

judging by your decision, im guessing that this isnt the first time you have been hit on the head with heavy objects

13thstory 0

Are you sure it's just a couple of gashes in your head? I'd be surprised if you don't have a concussion or a bleed on the brain. Oh, wait--that would require you actually HAVING a brain! YDI.

this is not a FML. This just shows your level of stupidy. There is a seperate website for people who do stupid stuff. Try that one.

What the **** were you doing breaking a brick on you head?