By ABBenzin - 01/02/2012 16:11 - United States

Today, I was breaking into a house when three police cruisers pulled up. They ran my social, my license plates, and asked me twenty minutes worth of questions, before allowing me to go back to work. I work as a locksmith; the homeowner had lost their keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 439
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh sht, the first sentence of this FML is so misleading lmao

Ha I started reading like "you deserved it" then Im like oh no that sucks


xStaciexLynnx 15

Even people who are breaking into your house illegally can pick the lock. They don't have to break in through the window. Also, nobody said he had a van that says lock smith on the side. If it was off hours he could have just driven his normal vehicle out. Or maybe he doesn't have a vehicle with anything written on the side- nobody made a rule that we have to write our occupation on the side of our vehicles.

kaykay20 0

Wouldn't the owner be standing next to you when your unlocking the door?

This is one of the best FMLs I have ever read! At least you have a good story to tell after this experience.

bubo_fml 10

A real locksmith would've charged the homeowner for additional labor hours for being detained by the po-po!

DomoLaDii 8

I was gonna say u deserved it but then I read the rest lol Damn the first sentence jajajas!

While I was reading "i was breaking into a house" I thought, oh well obviously this person deserved it but when I read you were a locksmith I thought "hahaha you got me there! I feel bad for you then" I never pressed You Deserve It though

Sounds like a case, a rare case, of everybody doing their job!

ashesofempires04 7

You deserve it for looking shady enough for the neighbors to call the police. You deserve it for not promptly presenting your credentials to the police when they arrived. You deserve it for not making your profession obvious enough to onlookers.

You're an idiot for clicking YDI in factors that weren't even mention in the FML. Idiotic twat...