By ABBenzin - 01/02/2012 16:11 - United States

Today, I was breaking into a house when three police cruisers pulled up. They ran my social, my license plates, and asked me twenty minutes worth of questions, before allowing me to go back to work. I work as a locksmith; the homeowner had lost their keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 439
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh sht, the first sentence of this FML is so misleading lmao

Ha I started reading like "you deserved it" then Im like oh no that sucks


Comes with the profession, people will report you, especially if your on call vehicle doesn't have proper labeling saying you're a locksmith.

At first I was like , "Whoa, why are you confessing to that dude?!" But then I read you were a locksmith and I was like "Ooohh!" Either way, sorry to hear about that. This seems to happen to a lot of people on FML .

xknightlightx 2

Maybe the next time they see you, they might be nicer to u

I wouldn't be surprised if the homeowner were with them and it didn't help. Let us be honest if you are locked out of your house it's not like you are likely to have access to your deed, mortgage, bills, whatever. Plus most people don't just carry their wallets around their house so they probably didn't have their ID. So it would come down to are they really a locksmith and the owner of the house?, or are they just two people trying to robs this place with a clever lie? Before anyone says they could get the neighbors to verify, not everyone knows all their neighbors. The helpful ones may not have been home.

I had my mouse over the "You deserved it" button before I read the rest

ibhim 0

In what state do they run your social? And not you DL?