By ABBenzin - 01/02/2012 16:11 - United States

Today, I was breaking into a house when three police cruisers pulled up. They ran my social, my license plates, and asked me twenty minutes worth of questions, before allowing me to go back to work. I work as a locksmith; the homeowner had lost their keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 439
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh sht, the first sentence of this FML is so misleading lmao

Ha I started reading like "you deserved it" then Im like oh no that sucks


snapcracklefizz 0

So-in-so? Don't you mean so-and-so? Wtf.

Why isn't the homeowner right by your side to back you up?

needsagf14 12

This is a LOT like that run-in that somehow involved the president a couple years ago...

**** me for taking the first sentence of this FML seriously. By the way FYL

Does that happen a lot? being a locksmith and opening locked doors all the time.

Parisgirl34 12

I agree with #1 the first sentence is very misleading

Oh man I clicked you deserved it because of the 1st sentence lol and then I kept reading.

Don't start an FML with a crime, I was quick to judge on that one.

Lucky7Samson 10

Are you by chance a black locksmith? LOL

And.... not really getting the fml part if this.