By ABBenzin - 01/02/2012 16:11 - United States

Today, I was breaking into a house when three police cruisers pulled up. They ran my social, my license plates, and asked me twenty minutes worth of questions, before allowing me to go back to work. I work as a locksmith; the homeowner had lost their keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 439
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh sht, the first sentence of this FML is so misleading lmao

Ha I started reading like "you deserved it" then Im like oh no that sucks


adonaisnavarro 0

Why did you say you were breaking into a house when you weren't I'm giving this a low rating.

This doesn't really seem like a FML or a YDI -- it seems like a normal situation that ought to happen from time to time if part of your job is essentially breaking into houses. It'd make for a pretty good crime spree if a thief went around posing as a locksmith, so I can't blame the police for being thorough.

a burgler could totally impersonate a locksmith... its not that hard to steal a van, just sayin'.

hahaha1699 0
hateevryone 14

why did you say you were breaking in?

apepe78 1

This doesn't make sense...wasn't the homeowner with you?

Didn't know the police ran your SSI # theses days I thought your DL is all they need. Seems like they checked your credit score too.

a likely story. so how long have you been a burglar?

Misleading intro. But good ending. At least he wasn't actually arrested or something.