By ABBenzin - 01/02/2012 16:11 - United States

Today, I was breaking into a house when three police cruisers pulled up. They ran my social, my license plates, and asked me twenty minutes worth of questions, before allowing me to go back to work. I work as a locksmith; the homeowner had lost their keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 439
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh sht, the first sentence of this FML is so misleading lmao

Ha I started reading like "you deserved it" then Im like oh no that sucks


perdix 29

That locksmith act sure is a good cover for your life of crime.

Takuya272727 16

Three though? I think they're a little eager... But then again, things can get out of hand...

You are a very sick, twisted, horrible individual. Here's my number (passes card). Call he for an appoinment for a lobotomy. :D

flockz 19

i think my potato gun would come in handy for this situation.

jerseyboy732 16

my donut gun would have worked better

Ah the old locksmith excuse! I tried that when I got busted for running a speakeasy, didn't really work, or make sense...

Ooooo I'm glad you cleared that up or I would have pressed YDI for breaking into someone's house. lol But yes, where in the world were the owners? They probably ran off when they saw the cops show up. :D

Qluz 3

They're on to you Mr. Locksmith! Courir courir!

Apperantly the cops thought you wee a key suspect in a string of burglaries that happen during this past month. I hope that this has unlocked a door in your brain that tells you that you have to,be more cautious with your apperance. The tumblers have moved for you, my friend. Lock that dispair away. Be happy you weren't wrongfully locked away by the cops or thrown away the key. Have a nice life.