By waitwhat - 18/03/2012 20:46 - United Kingdom - Bournemouth

Today, I was browsing some hardcore porn sites. My mum decided to barge into my room uninvited, so I quickly switched tabs. Unfortunately for me, all five other tabs were also parked on porn galleries. Now my computer and phone are confiscated, and I can only get online at the local library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 793
You deserved it 60 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments


morgann4826 0

time to stop watching so much ****

That's ALOT of ****. You must have the stamina of a steamboat.

Or to start watching **** at the library. He's got options.

TunechiXXL 0

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Dude, you need to get a girlfriend is you watch that much

Maddidaddi 0

Your mom did the wrong thing. People are curious. Sexuality should not be hidden. Your embarrassment should have been enough.

n_epic_fail 14

20- yea "YOLO" and I'd prefer to live one long life, my mother would end it in seconds if I tried living "like a boss"

theHIGHroad2 5

Someone needs to get laid ASAP!!

74 So you'd be okay with it if your parents went at it right next to you? Yeah okay just clarifying.

Maddidaddi 0

I'd get up and walk away. And that is different, you know it. Your maturity level shows.

The real mistake here was not having a backup plan. Have a second -> window

You do the crime, you gotta pay the time.

Alright 112. You said sexuality shouldn't be hidden, and by watching **** I assume you meant ALL types, however people seem to agree with you more so I'll just leave it at that.

#199, you have the mind of Albert Einstein, I assume.

...and the title of the video, in boldface print was "Son rapes mom, gruesome wild and greasy"...

theHIGHroad2 5

Wow, you seem to know a lot about ****..

I've spent too much time around 13 year old boys..

that's what happens when you work in the industry... (just a joke cat, don't kill me!)

geassconan 1
rallets 22

rick santorum must be crying right now

SupahAsian 4

Maybe his browser settings open every link in a new tab...

Never heard that one before. It made me laugh.

I agree with maddidaddi (sorry if I spelt your name wrong mate). It's natural to look up some **** and jack off. There shouldn't be such a drastic reaction to it unless they are like 12 which I'm assuming he's not. Just talk to him about it. Taking everything away from him seems a bit drastic for something that's natural.

I have a button on my mouse programmed to minimize the window just to avoid such awkward moments ;)

22cute 17

I totally agree. Punishing kids sexual curiosity is what comes from parents who have not come to terms with their OWN sexuality. So on goes the destructive cycle...

Does your local library have any secluded computers hidden where people can't see you? If so, your in luck!

Simoneaux17 11

Actually his mom did the right thing. Where did the morals go?

That's for the parent to decide. If his mom is religious or something and doesn't believe in ****, then OP deserves it for not having a better plan in case someone barges in. Personally, I think exploring your sexuality is healthy and the best answer is not to take away their stuff. They should have an open discussion about it.

Now on, keep a tab open...just on case.

What's wrong if they're 12? I got caught browsing **** when I was 12, all that happened is my family laughed at me. It's pretty funny looking back on it now.

Seriously? I'm 18, and my parents revoke my phone/computer if I log on to Facebook or text my boyfriend (whom they approve of highly) after 10:00 on week nights. I can't imagine what they would do if I was abusing those privileges. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting household rules and expectations with resulting consequences for teenagers- it's called PARENTING.

treewolf 5

#74 yeah until he gets a virus on their network. More **** you watch, more li kely you can get a virus.

it's called ALT-F4. Unless you had another window behind that and it also was some hardcore open.

Does anyone else realize how pathetic this is?

lyskiss 10

...that falls in love with you. oh shit she's a gold digger, just thought you should knoww.

thenoobftw 3

Bring Tuesday,Friday and little trolly the train and watch me dip their ass in gold and wear em like a neck chain sucka!

detroitsucks247 3

It was a reference to a video not an insult sorry..

GoodLookingGeese 10

Fu*k dude! How old are U? (OP)

Thanks a lot guys, now that song is stuck in my head..

I hope it's understood, get in your van and get the f*ck out of my neighbourhood

#2 nice profile pic. SOMEONE needs a girlfriend.

Chaosaiyan 6

I'll choke you with your own sweater sleeves! You couldn't beat me in the land of make believe!

Library's (library is) still good. Let's go to all the libraries in town. And I think you should go to the library.

Nah libraries have strict filters. Plus...what kinda creeper goes to the library to try to look at ****?

DDbaconcrazy 1

Until the old lady librarian catches you.

Don't know about the UK but in the US watching **** in a library is now a felony.

Really? I once saw a guy watching **** in my local library. To make things worse, he was watching hentai, and was old and fat.

At my college's library I saw a man watching ****. It was really awkward.

107 then...kinky old librarian sexy times?

#54, you're mistaken. Library's is not 'library is', since adding apostraphy 's' means that the noun beforehand has possesion of the next noun to come up. Unless his name is Library, congratulations, you're a total dipshit.

Yes 206, trying to help with grammar, even though it's (it is) my second language, is worth cursing me out for. Please touch me again by cursing me out more and teaching me my lesson. I hope you feel tough in the end, you deserve that form of happiness.

Llama_Face89 33

I don't think the staff would appreciate OP rubbing one out between the shelves.

ew a guy masturbating in the library ummm *shivers*

206 - You're an idiot. The 's is used for both possession and as an abbreviation for is. Some obvious examples include that's, he's, or what's, to name just a few. Take a cue from your username and LEARN before you speak.

And 206 takes the cake it biggest grammar nazi fail I've ever seen.

Speaking of corrections 206 please learn to spell the word apostrophe before calling someone else out on their mistakes you wanna be grammar nazi.

Nice try, but it's apostrophe, not "Apostrophy".

I thank you for the hope you have for me, but you're still mistaken. As I said before, adding the apostraphy 's' to a NOUN (which I think that "it" is not a noun) means possession of. I'm an English major. Don't try and ******* correct me. You're still a dipshit.

They need to take that major away! What are they, handing it out on street corners now? Your English fails. If I said "He's over here.", what does that mean? It means "He is over here". Not over belongs to him. Stop trying to sound smart, you make yourself look worse with every comment.

One more example: If I said "Subway's serving hot dogs.", it means "Subway is serving hotdogs". Now stop calling people dipshits when this language is not even their first. You're disgracing the public education system with your horrid attempts at trying to shove it down people's throats. And you are also making majors sound even more like a load of crap.

352 - You should study more. The possessive singular form of library is Library's.

PenguinSwag47 0

Someone's a wittle upset about a gwammar mistake, aren't we?

dancecrazzzy 0

Stop correcting peoples grammar that's just offensive

dancecrazzzy 0

Stop trying to be funny your just being plan rude

keven501 12

That's why I always keep one softcore **** tab open...just in case :)

nonamericandolla 6

I would do the same! :D you deserve it! I don't get people like ****!

shanemaximo 7

It's time to see what the local libraries hardcore **** policy is.

Mister_Triangle 21

Some people just aren't satisfied with one video at a time.

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He never said anything about his social life Even popular people ********** man. It's not something specific to nerds and social outcasts.

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Lauren10102 3

Everyone assumes that OP is a guy, girls watch **** and ********** too!

Jakesterk96 8

If only the male international sign was at the top to tell us OP's gender.*sigh*

FMLshark 12

36: It shows the OP's gender sign. OP is a dude. Does nobody pay attention anymore?

I love when girls bring attention upon themselves in the topic of sex, masturbation, and ****. Prime example; Lauren. BTW, WE GIRLS ALSO LOVE **** AND BEING ON TOP DURING SEX, YOU DARN SEXISTS!

Maddidaddi 0

He didn't even say he was masturbating.

77- Yeah, but let's face it; he probably was :P

Maddidaddi 0

I've watched ****, let's face it; we've all done it. But I didn't **********. It's a weird thing.

Especially if you're doing it with mom at home and the door unlocked.

117 So masturbation is weird now? Are you not the one that just said the mom did the wrong thing and that you all for open sexuality? I don't know, seems a bit hypocritical.

perdix 29

#56, I find it adorable that although you are talking about sex, **** and masturbation, you use DARN, instead of "damned." You too cute!

Lauren, intriguing picture, if it's not a pipe then what is it?(couldn't see any other writing I have the iPod version)

tayrex77 3

it is not a pipe. it is a picture of a pipe.

5, Nothing suggests they were sitting there for days or hours, nothing says its even a may want to make judgements on problems that have some form of real evidence behind them next time.

36 - you ****** idiot we can see their sex beside the FML (at least i can on my iPod but I'm still pretty sure it shows on a computer or whatever device you have)

disc120 2

What the guy above me said.

stevenJB 25

It was going to be "explosive" if his mom Didn't barge in. :)

b0ngs 7

105- you just gave me an unwanted visual 0_o

OP was probably trying to find his computer's limits.

How is six tabs excessive? Open a bunch of videos, let them load, watch in order. I'd say six is low, even.

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Yea #7 because every **** addict's mum definitely has her own **** videos.

Everyone watches **** man, especially teenagers, but you have to spare your parents. ********** late at night when they're asleep or something. But YDI. You were terribly unstealthy.

You're profile says you have 0 comments, yet I've already seen 2...I'm not sure whether to turn myself in to a mental institution or carry around garlic and a silver bullet....

The second one will work best but always have a back up plan...

HannahWho 8

No ninja jerking for this mofo. Yea, you need to plan out the **** watching and jerking for times when no one is at the house. Someone needs a mast 101

Yea you're an idiot. Ydi for watching **** with your mom up and about

Yellow Dingy Iguanas. Here's an example. OP (Optimus Prime), why would you eat that? YDI (as in, Yellow Dingy Iguanas made him do it).

nofearjenshere 12
zakkyzebra 11

Your Dick Imploded. It's a very rare, but serious case.

You drugged 'im. As in: Why did that naked man dance in my back yard? Well, YDI

You damned impotent... Example: YDI OP. (you damned impotent ostrich penis)

Your **** viewing habits have caught up with you. She probably was just waiting to catch you in the act because she was noticing one arm was becoming much bigger than the other.

hahaha. "Girl look at my right arm." ;) instead of "Girl look at my body. " :3 Also reminds me of Family Guy, when Quagmire discovered internet ****. xD