By scorpionsurviver - 08/07/2012 09:47 - United States
Same thing different taste
Monster in my bathroom
By Thescarlettfox - 16/02/2020 01:00
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia
By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 09:04 - Australia
By jillydark6609 - 19/09/2010 06:21 - United States
By eebie jeebies - 30/05/2016 15:31 - United States - Cypress
He was just chillin'
By Anonymous - 04/07/2021 13:59
By danonno - 02/08/2012 21:08 - Canada - Nelson
By emmey - 23/07/2009 19:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/03/2010 20:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/10/2011 06:55 - United States
Top comments
I've been there with big roaches. I'm always afraid they'll jump/fly at me!
I dont see your logic. You stay in the bathroom trying to sum up the courage to get out of the bathroom, which has a scorpion in it. I just dont get it.
To get out, I'd assume OP would have to walk underneath (or uncomfortably close to) the scorpion. I know the feeling, I'm arachnophobic and have been in similar situations with giant spiders :| (Australia really isn't ideal for arachnophobes...)
Great way to start the morning. :/
I would of just booked it. It doesn't make sense to wait under it. Thts really stupid. Instead of waiting or running BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT
*have *that's
"I would of" is to be changed to "I would have" seeing as that's proper English.
Courage??? If you ask me it takes a lot more courage to stay there with the scorpion hanging above your head then if you just ran out the door.
Well on the bright side, if it stings you, you won't die.
It's not like if it was gonna yell "get over here!" and spear you back to him if you tried to make a run for it.
At least you weren't taking a shit.... That would've REALLY sucked