By scorpionsurviver - 08/07/2012 09:47 - United States

Today, I was brushing my teeth when I looked up. There was a huge scorpion dangling on the air vent above my head. I was trapped in the bathroom for over an hour trying to build the courage to run out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 395
You deserved it 6 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brannie 4

It's not like if it was gonna yell "get over here!" and spear you back to him if you tried to make a run for it.

At least you weren't taking a shit.... That would've REALLY sucked


I've been there with big roaches. I'm always afraid they'll jump/fly at me!

I dont see your logic. You stay in the bathroom trying to sum up the courage to get out of the bathroom, which has a scorpion in it. I just dont get it.

To get out, I'd assume OP would have to walk underneath (or uncomfortably close to) the scorpion. I know the feeling, I'm arachnophobic and have been in similar situations with giant spiders :| (Australia really isn't ideal for arachnophobes...)

RocketNinjaFish 12

#32, I know how you feel :( we had one in our kitchen once and we could actually HEAR it walking across the floor.

nightowl713 25

Sounds creepy. But by no means would I have stayed in there for an hour with it. Should have gotten creative op! I would have grabbed a towel or heck even the shower curtain, thrown it over my head and run for the hills! Figuratively speaking of course.

hockeyoceancity 13

Could have been night? Or anytime of the day. Also your profile picture really funny haha.

I would of just booked it. It doesn't make sense to wait under it. Thts really stupid. Instead of waiting or running BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT

isableha 9

There is no 'have' in 37's comment. :p

hockeyoceancity 13

54- "have" was suppose to be the third word. He didn't have it at all that's the point. :p

isableha 9

57- It's not necessary. That's the point. :p

"I would of" is to be changed to "I would have" seeing as that's proper English.

KiddNYC1O 20

37- You never know. Seems like a phobia.

sexybeast1roman 0

Courage??? If you ask me it takes a lot more courage to stay there with the scorpion hanging above your head then if you just ran out the door.

Well on the bright side, if it stings you, you won't die.

flutter4 7