By snitcheyes - 09/11/2010 16:00 - United States

Today, I was called 15 times by a "good redneck boy" that my Mom is trying to set me up with. He has called me at least 5 times a day for the past week. My Mom is still encouraging him to call. I had to unplug the phone because I feel stalked in my own dorm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 958
You deserved it 2 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Why do moms always try to set up their daughters with some random guy?

i_love_puppybrea 0

he's called you 15 times, and yet he has called you 5 times a day for a week, is it just me or did anyone else know she sucks at math?


give the guy a chance... he might not b that bad... lol if he calls u.. it might b that his actually interested

rednecks creep me out 0.o u go for standing ur ground!!! (although, here in London there aren't many "rednecks")

no means no tell him no and move on with your life

kittylover2010 0
kittylover2010 0

This isn't an FML, this is just plain stupid. By the way OP there's this new thing out it's called CHANGING YOUR ******* PHONE NUMBER!

CherryBomb511 3

Lol I've never met anyone with the name NASCAR anywhere before.

FYLwindowlicker 0

But I met a young man once named Racsan. Now that's just WRONG!

wriptidez 0
YigalElohev 2

Ugh, **** that. Some obsessed chick called me 149 times in one day a few years ago in college. And I'm gay!