By snitcheyes - 09/11/2010 16:00 - United States

Today, I was called 15 times by a "good redneck boy" that my Mom is trying to set me up with. He has called me at least 5 times a day for the past week. My Mom is still encouraging him to call. I had to unplug the phone because I feel stalked in my own dorm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 958
You deserved it 2 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Why do moms always try to set up their daughters with some random guy?

i_love_puppybrea 0

he's called you 15 times, and yet he has called you 5 times a day for a week, is it just me or did anyone else know she sucks at math?


When he calls back, verbally kick that boy in the cojones. If he's being that persistent and "stalker-ish", then you have no need at this point to be polite about it.

birdmansangel 0

you all are way too judgmental! not one of you is perfect. walk a mile....

#44 Not everyone made derogatory comments about rednecks. You clearly didn't read all of the comments.

There is nothing wrong with being a redneck. What is with people and their stupid jokes? Just answer the damn phone and tell him your not interested if he continues have that number blocked.

Then be a grown up and answer the phone and tell him you aren't interested.

lissyplz 0

#11, do you not know the meaning of "at least?"


there is no such thing as a good redneck

just start talking about how you only date guys with all their teeth.

miller6030 0

why does everyone think rednecks are dumb, poor, and all related? most redneck boys are smart and can fix anything.

sublime420 11

And then try asking them who wrote Dante's Inferno. Or who Robert Mugabe is? Or the location of the Forbidden City? The prime minister of England? Where was McCain born? Define the impeachment process for a US president. No? Nothing? But they'll go on all ******* day about how "Obama bad! he aint even from dis country!" and the new engine they're fittin' ta buy fer they're '98 F-150. Whats that? FORD! ************, Chevys a mans truck, Ford are for FAGGOTS! You're right. These people are so intelligent.

sublime420 11

"hope it makes since i your dividing mind" "gonna bloe their brains out if they look at em" Looks like you could benefit from some of the "book smart shit" as you put it.

kandismichelle 0

really 95, not all rednecks are stupid. it doesn't matter if you're from the north or south, there is gonna be some stupid, ignorant, hopeless people. I'm from a very small town in Texas and I am nit stupid at all. and most of the people I know arnt either. yes we might have a country accent and country slang, but that has nothing to do with our brains. and I bet anyone of the rednecks have more kindness in their hearts than you've ever known.

sipher16 0

blue bloods are more out to marry someone in there family so that they can keep "pure blood" in there family. ps Dante Alighieri's the Devine comedy is awesome.

sublime420 11

Also, #97, i think the phrase you are looking for is "Labels are for soup cans." You might have been able to figure that out if soup labels were not the extent of you literary pursuits.