By eenkoekje - 13/05/2011 07:20

Today, I was called by my son's school to pick him up. Apparently, he snorted baking soda, crushed aspirin, and flour because he thought it was coke. Where did I go wrong raising this twerp? FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 327
You deserved it 15 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

He thought he was Charlie Sheen. Don't blame him.

Igor_g5 0

You didn't teach him how to tell real coke from BS. That's where you went wrong.


u dont deserve to be a parent calling ur kid a twerp!!!

Maybe the baking soda will help you raise him?

paradiseisland01 0

OP, you fail as a parent. Not because you called your son a twerp, but because you raised an idiot who will most likely contribute to the gene pool.

you're Dutch, right? Je zoon is een halvegare als hij niet eens aan echte coke kan komen, het ligt in alle coffeeshops. Ik ben 15 en kan binnen een uur wat regelen.

you're Dutch, right? Je zoon is een halvegare als hij niet eens aan echte coke kan komen, het ligt in alle coffeeshops. Ik ben 15 en kan binnen een uur wat regelen.

paradiseisland01 0

you really need to have a serious talk to your son, and try to find out where he learned this nasty little habit from. He had to see it from some where.

BAMF519 0

haha that's so funny I did the same thing a year ago with my friend except we used fun dip at my class valentines day party!

619warrior281 5
alexxss_fml 10

you went wrong by not giving him the real deal. smh. Shame on you OP

drew1978 4