By Beast - 30/03/2013 06:57 - United States - Cleveland

Today, I was cast as beast in my high school's production of Beauty and the Beast. My Grandma's input? "At least they won't need any makeup." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 165
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PandaKitteh 20

Maybe they cast you as the beast because at the end he turns into a super handsome human again :]


Brings a more literal meaning to the saying, you gotta "grow into your role"...least you're a natural:p

rokolodo 10

Welcome to the club. That just means you are super smart and be the boss of everybody when you grow up.

luckygamer85 7

I wonder if grandma even thought that OP being ugly would be at least 1/4 her fault? unless he's adopted of course...

TheCutestLizard 28

Maybe she meant because you'll have like a wig on you know big brown "fur" covering it up?

Well, the part of Beast is how Ron Perlman got a big break, so this could be the start of a great career.

But at the end, the beast is suppose to be a good lookin prince! Think of it that way!

That's because at the end of the movie he runs into the handsome prince. If that makes you feel better.

That's really mean. Sorry OP. My grandma was the same way; whenever I used to try to dress up or go out with friends my grandma would nitpick at every little thing wrong with my appearance. She's probably jealous that she's old and wrinkly and you look fantastic without even trying. Keep your head up OP! :)