By Beast - 30/03/2013 06:57 - United States - Cleveland

Today, I was cast as beast in my high school's production of Beauty and the Beast. My Grandma's input? "At least they won't need any makeup." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 165
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PandaKitteh 20

Maybe they cast you as the beast because at the end he turns into a super handsome human again :]


Congrats on getting the part. Take comfort knowing she won't live much longer. On a different note maybe she's going senile or just terribly depressed and taking it out on you. Maybe not hang with grandma so much.

TheCutestLizard 28

Maybe she was referring to the handsome prince at the end? In that case you're a very nice looking young man!

She probably thought you said "the best" :)

Should have said "yes, because at the end I turn into a handsome Prince"

Tell her they need a witch for the next wizard of oz play they do.

KingCeltic77 18

Maybe they cast you as beauty?

pwnman 33

Is it just me, or is it that the elderly are trends of this world now?