By Anonymous - 01/12/2011 03:11 - United States

Today, I was casually shopping at Walmart. Everything was normal until the young guy browsing the aisle next to me suddenly approached me and whispered "sperm" into my ear. My spine has never experienced a chill like this one before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 364
You deserved it 4 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ellybelly_502 4

Um I'm pretty sure it wasn't the word, but some creepy man coming up randomly and whispering ANYTHING remotely freakish would send chills down anyone's back, including your own.


luvbug21 6

People of walmart, Thier characteristic are just epic!!

Mx_Rider 6

lolmart. Lost count of all the crazy weird people ive seen in there.

diidiimi 10

That's whatcha get for shopping at walmart!

I used to whisper random shit to strangers when I was a teenager... but a don't recall saying "sperm"

as soon as i read 'sperm' i cracked up laughing, i don't know why i just did

dakotamacc 5

Lmao tht is the funniest one on here lol jus to imagine ur face XD

were they good chills or bad chills, dis you just learn you like being talked dirty to?

perdix 29

CTFD. "Sperm" just means "Merry Christmas" to the People of Wal★Mart. Yes, not only do they have their own website, they also have their own dialect of English. You should have replied "And Happy New Year to you," which in Wal★Martese is "Blumpkin."