By ChrisD2V - 01/12/2011 03:52 - United States
Same thing different taste
By defrauded - 08/03/2013 18:44 - United Kingdom - Oban
By toothbreaker - 22/08/2019 11:00 - United States - Tucson
By copycat - 19/03/2015 05:05 - United States - Norco
Bad karma
By Anonymous - 26/01/2014 17:21 - United Kingdom - Aberystwyth
Not how it works...
By Anonymous - 28/02/2017 00:00 - Canada
By futuregigolo - 22/12/2012 00:11 - United States - Strasburg
Do Not Pass Go
By Rex - 16/09/2017 16:15 - United States - Camden
By Too Many Credits - 08/04/2017 20:00
By thebeachisthatway - 22/10/2012 18:56 - United States - Worcester
By ElemTeacher - 02/01/2018 15:00
Top comments
Go green: Pay the greens!
OP is definetly idiotic for not being able to see in the futur. I guess I too am a dumb person for not forseeing events...
1 - Wouldn't printing each page of the textbook be the same as producing the textbook? OP is not as much of a tree killer as the companies that produce the books. Boom.
33 is right. Same amount of paper the actual book would have taken up! And OP was just trying to save money so what's the big deal?
Watch out op the democrats are going to murder you in your sleep
You cheap mofo.
36 and 33 the text book was already made not his copy he pointlessly made another one and that's why they are calling him a treekiller
Well said 82, plus we have a thing called technology, Op could have simply taken pictures of the book put them into a PDF or word doc and loaded them onto a laptop or a tablet.....
82 - When Universities offer textbooks, they charge fees for the production of the textbooks. So, yes and no.
ahh ok and thank you 84
I take it you've never seen the prices on University textbooks.... They are really expensive.
I don't understand how 1 has like 100 upvotes, but 2 has negative votes and they said pretty much the same thing.
Photocopying a textbook is illegal.
Poor trees:(.
AHH! ENDERMAN don't lose eyecontact
Plus it's illegal to photocopy a copyrighted textbook
Plus it's illegal to photocopy a copyrighted textbook
Well now at least you have two copies! But not very environmentally or time friendly...
What 60 said. When you go to a store and ask for a ream of paper, a tree doesn't just tragically clutch its heart and die.
Trees grow back, everyone chill out its a renewable resource
Well that's what you get for me stingy with money!
Sorry being*
Some people have to be stingy. My dad recently changed jobs and lost alot of his income he worked for, so my parents are really stingy at the moment.
It's spelled with a K. Mr. Eugene H. Krabs.
Bind the photocopied pages together and sell it to the next un-informed student for cheaper.
Bookbinding is expensive as ****.
25, Not if you hole punch it, put it in a binder and separate the chapters with tabs.
Holepunch hundreds of papers?
umm... That's illegal

Way to go tree killer!
Bind the photocopied pages together and sell it to the next un-informed student for cheaper.