By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 071
You deserved it 90 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


... and you really want people to feel bad for you? You're a freaking idiot.

Fail as a person and also as a thief...Congrats!

Nice. Not only are you a thief, but your obviously a F-ing stupid thief. I BET YOUR PARENTS ARE SO PROUD.

barrelracer22 0
cykotic101 0

Who steals video games nowadays anyway? If u can't afford it, bootleg it like the rest of the planet......

Your a ******* dumbass............. That is all.

bonehead123 1