By Kate - 17/10/2011 02:50 - United States

Today, I was chatting with a customer who comes regularly to my job. He sticks his hand out and I put my hand on his, thinking he's giving me a high five. He was just waiting for his receipt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 678
You deserved it 22 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the hell "puts" their hand on a high five? You gotta slap that. The way you described it made it sound like a conjugal visit at a state penitentiary. No wonder it would have been awkward.


glitterglam86 0

I've done that before so awkward ahha

we've all had awkward moments like this before

You shoulda been all "My bad, FIST BUMP!"

jake7787 0

Well that is awkward, but you just gotta go with it and try not to look overly stupid. you must have a pretty damn good life if THIS is the only thing you could come up with to put on fml.

moninbg 8

I don't know why but this sounds so much like a Jennifer Aniston moment ...

Haaaawkward. Haha, I've done that before too.