By Uriah - 03/07/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, I was chatting with an amazing guy online. He was perfect for me. After five hours he told me he loved me and I said it back. So than we decided to trade nudes. I sent mine. Within two seconds my niece calls, laughing her ass off, telling me how weird my birthmark is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 199
You deserved it 109 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhh, you fell in love with someone over the internet in 5 hours? Thats pretty sad. You should also know that not everyone you talk to online is legit. You deserved that one.

bedspring_kiss54 0

YDI for sending nudes so quickly. You so should've known better... Pax / peace


You fell in love with someone you had never met after chatting with them online for 5 hours. That's just plain pathetic.

Nudes after 5 hours? Wow, you're pretty easy.

fucklifeee 0

Hm, agreed with #199. you're easy, YDI YDI YDI .

AirforceBlu 0

lol sucks to be you next timeake sure you get a pic first before you send one!

RiChY_BaBy08 0

hahah do most girls trust that easy?

youxlostxyou 0

ha wow. why the HECK would you send a naked pic of yourself? no matter how long you knew the guy. 5 hours, five YEARS, thats pretty dumb. period. i dont care if the guy is freakin nick jonas.

loltreated 0

I cannot BELIEVE how stupid people are. It honestly blows my mind. The issue here is not that the OP thought she had fallen in love after 5 hours of talking to this person. You can fall for someone just as quickly in real life. The issue is not that she ran the risk of her pictures being posted all over the internet. The problem lies in her sending someone she met online naked pictures of herself when she has no idea what kind of person they really are. OP, are you really so stupid? How in the hell were you 100% sure that the person wasn't a homicidal maniac? You'd better thank God this was just your niece's idea of a joke. It could have been someone with an obsession for murdering stupid bitches.