By Uriah - 03/07/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, I was chatting with an amazing guy online. He was perfect for me. After five hours he told me he loved me and I said it back. So than we decided to trade nudes. I sent mine. Within two seconds my niece calls, laughing her ass off, telling me how weird my birthmark is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 199
You deserved it 109 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhh, you fell in love with someone over the internet in 5 hours? Thats pretty sad. You should also know that not everyone you talk to online is legit. You deserved that one.

bedspring_kiss54 0

YDI for sending nudes so quickly. You so should've known better... Pax / peace


Wow 5 Hours for a joke? You niece has dedication.

Well, this happened in Georgia. 'Nuff said.

DJ375 0

dumbass.. 5 hours = LOVE? I hope she posts it online

ericavel 0

You obviously have some serious, serious problems. Go see someone about that. Not even kidding

your lucky it wasnt one of the "Young Male Teen" Members of your family... if you get/have any and they find out about this, your pics are in danger again >.

socrkeeper001 0

YDI definitely. you met this "guy" onling there's no way you could have fallen in love with anyone that fast, especially without meeting them. and are you stupid? never send nude pics online especially if you've never met the guy, no matter how much you "love" him.