By apparentlyugly - 29/08/2010 17:51 - United States

Today, I was chosen out of 64 women to model for the catalog of a new clothing store. Just when my self-confidence took a dramatic boost, I looked at the evaluation sheet. I was picked due to attributes such as my "extra large figure and average face" to make below average women feel beautiful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 498
You deserved it 4 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sometimes makes me sad that anything above a size 6 is considered "plus size" in the modeling world. And I highly doubt that you're ugly, OP (as your name suggests). The modeling world (and society) can really be very cruel. So sorry! :(

Beats being picked cause of anorexic figure


_Vamp_ 9

Calm down chaos haha. I wasn't trying to make an "argument". I was simply saying she obviously feels bad about her looks now, and I was trying to say that no matter how ugly you think you are, or that some people say you are, somebody will think you are beautiful. My "argument" didn't pertain to the FML directly, but more or less what she may be feeling now. Calm down a little bit. I was only trying to help her with some positive encouragement. I didn't mean to offend you if, in some way, I did. Oh and #87> YES haha

If you can't handle harsh criticism like that then you shouldn't be modeling or applying for modeling jobs.

ah I wouldn't worry - girls are way sexier with afew curves.

Griggy 0

And that's why I hate models and modeling. you're just there to allow big name companies to profit off of other people's insecurities. YDI

imright24 0

You knew you weren't a typical model when you applied. YDI.

I'd rather see some plump than a stick person.

Than lose some weight! can't stress this enough. If you don't wanna be called fat or whatever jog every morning and stop eatting twinkies or McDonald! Average face is good. At least you ain't ugly. Besides, that was the opinion of a few, I'm sure some guy will think you're the prettiest girl ever. good luck on that wieght.

Well, at least you will be keeping a lot of girls/women to do stupid things like plastic surgery or make up or someten because they aren't confident enough :D

kiddobee 4

Obviously you are pretty enough to model to begin with, so what are you complaining about? A certain group may find you plainer, but you are a model no? Then my assumption is that yes you are pretty (so you don't fret) and could have been having an off day or an off group. You still got the job, which if the photos turn out badly and you are a pretty girl overall adds to your portfolio of things you can do as a model. Try to look at it as with every cloud there is a silver lining, and know you're not ugly!