By yuck - 15/11/2011 14:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I was cleaning mouse remains from the kitchen floor, left by my cat. I found a small round thing nearby. With no idea what it was, I picked it up and gave it a little squeeze to see if it was solid. It wasn't, and burst with great force onto my face. I'm pretty sure it was an eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 022
You deserved it 17 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sushi_samurai 3

Warning: lame joke below. That mouse has his eye on you...

Evidently fear is not a factor for you!


Late_night83 25

Sorry for double posting and asking the question.

Thanks, you just made my morningsickness come back

And that is why we do not squeeze random objects found on the floor.

catanita 18

Why did you let your cat eat a mouse in the house in the first place? This is not very hygienic. Are you sure it was an eye? Maybe it was a very very gifted mouse male.