By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I was coaching a little league soccer game. I was telling one of my players to go cover another kid. I said "go cover the little yellow kid!" because he happened to be wearing a yellow shirt. He also happened to be Asian. I then got death stares from his family members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 560
You deserved it 23 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA. Oh mannn that's horrible...I don't think you deserve it though...thats a horrible coincidence.

manoverboard 0

My coach did that last season! We laughed the entire game...


lifeislife_fml 0

LMAO I hate it when I get into those awkward misunderstandings...

Erinx3 0

LMAO! OMG. My favorite FML.

People are wayy too sensitive about racism! I mean come on they must've known it was an honest mistake.

philosopher 0

Gah, that wouldn't have bothered me and I'm Asian. I mean, if you're going to make fun of us, then try something new like making your eyes seem smaller or doing crazy martial arts yells. *sigh* The thing about things like this is that it's not really the comment or action itself, it's that the person doing it is such an asswipe about it. Anyway, couldn't you have said "kid in the yellow (shirt)" or something? YDI for that then.

Awwwww that really sucks! I'd be mortified XD

LAWL 92 :)) i live in asia, this was the best FML of my life... yea yea you "could have" said other things or made yourself more clear but its a understandable mistake its just fricken hillariouis

Ha yeah, cause when you're wearing a purple shirt I call you a purple kid.

dont they have numbers on their shirts? i think there was some racism in that...