By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I was coaching a little league soccer game. I was telling one of my players to go cover another kid. I said "go cover the little yellow kid!" because he happened to be wearing a yellow shirt. He also happened to be Asian. I then got death stares from his family members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 560
You deserved it 23 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA. Oh mannn that's horrible...I don't think you deserve it though...thats a horrible coincidence.

manoverboard 0

My coach did that last season! We laughed the entire game...


i don't understand why you would say that. the whole team is wearing yellow uniforms... you're supposed to say the kids number.

yeah, probably fake. They'd all be wearing yellow shirts if they were on a soccer team. Deserved that one for sure.

Maybe should have said kid in yellow rather than yellow kid, but surely the parents knew he was wearing a yellow t shirt...

I agree "little" was the bad word here.

He might have been coaching a practice game between members of his team to develop skills before a big game, he didn't say it was a game against another team.

RottenKid 0

Should've used your words carefully, like "kid with the yellow shirt. but damn man FYL

haha thats ******* hilarious, i don't see how this is a FML whats wrong with some racy humour once in a while

why would you say "that yellow kid" ? arn't they all supposed to be wearing the same jersey?

Not necessarily if their younger, were as it doesn't matter as much

Curtieeeez 0