By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I was coaching a little league soccer game. I was telling one of my players to go cover another kid. I said "go cover the little yellow kid!" because he happened to be wearing a yellow shirt. He also happened to be Asian. I then got death stares from his family members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 560
You deserved it 23 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA. Oh mannn that's horrible...I don't think you deserve it though...thats a horrible coincidence.

manoverboard 0

My coach did that last season! We laughed the entire game...


mouseintern 0

I long for the day when otherwise innocent words don't double as insults.

poison29 0

#13 - since white people have long been the majority in america, and have suppressed minorities like blacks and asians and hispanics in the past, other races tend to be sensitive about these issues more so than white people just because of history.

stellarxx 0
HEYbitch_fml 0

I agree with #5.. if you were coaching a game then everyone on the other team would have all been wearing yellow jerseys, so it wouldn't make sense to call one of them yellow

LOL FYL, but that is too funny. :P I agree with #50

lmao . thats funny . i'm dating an asian . and he said "idc about those things, i'm asain."

thelonelylurker 0

Ahahaha, racism. Awesome, sir.

my soccer team a few years ago also had yellow jerseys...that never happened to me before