By Anonymous - 13/07/2013 04:37 - Canada - Kinburn

Today, I was doing a demonstration in front of my taekwondo class because I'm flexible. Really flexible. I kneed myself in the face and broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 584
You deserved it 10 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you don't need to be that flexible to knee yourself in the face! Pretty much anyone can do it. I wonder what OP was trying to demonstrate


AboveAll04 14

well at least you don't have to call the cops for stealing your nose, you just need to go to the hospital to fix it :)

graceinsheepwear 33

That's taking one for the knee-m (ba dum tss). Kneed I say more?

Part of the discipline is learning to accept defeat. You are just too good for you. Don't beat yourself up over it.

"And that, class, is how to fight your inner demons."

I am confused that the whole reason for the demonstration was because OP is flexible. Normally all students have to demonstrate their moves to the class.

Oh wait. Maybe I'm confused by grammar :/ ugh

jw90 18

Did they at least upgrade your belt level?

Well, stltakes skill to do. Ouch though

*still takes skill. This phone sometimes I swear hates me

How did this get passed through? It barely describes what happened.

I'm curious as to how this happened? Were you demonstrating kneeing straight up in the air?

RivetingTaleChap 6

I can't help but think of how anime characters always have outrageous nosebleeds.