By embarrassed - 21/07/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I was driving and saw two hot girls on the sidewalk so I rolled down the window to whistle at them. However, I failed to notice that the car in front of me had stopped at a red light. I rear ended the car, the girls ran away laughing their asses off, and now I have to pay for the damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 781
You deserved it 117 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because, y'know, everyone loves a little sexual harassment.

elara15 0

That's your cosmic come-uppance for being obnoxious towards good-looking females, who surprisingly don't enjoy the whistles and catcalls from random men in cars. Obviously, YDI.


sports_chick_143 0

lol that sucks. i think i was one of the girls runnning away.

OP, you're such an incredible douche, I truly hope that the person you hit is going to charge you up the ass. YDI so much. It's degrading, it's disrespectful, and girls hate it. For the men saying that we're just whining, you need to get over yourself and stop YOUR whining. We ought to be treated equally, not like some dog that answers to a whistle. The only reason women aren't treated so badly anymore is because women stood up and said no.

You are whining, you hysterical cow. How does it effect you in anyway at all, being whistled at?

palmtrees 1

You've already asked that question, mobius, and people have already answered you. Stop wasting space.

Take your own advice. Saying the word "it's degrading" without saying how someone making it obvious they appreciate your appearance degrades you isn't actually answering.

You don't get it #175. It does feel degrading when men whistle at us. Complimenting a woman is one thing, usually the other person is telling her she is pretty or beautiful or something along those lines but whistling usually implies something sexual which doesn't feel very good. It's not flattering to be the object of such blatant sexual attention especially when it's from some creep you don't know and you do feel disrespected.

Why do you think it has to be sexual? And how is that degrading, even if it is? Ignoring the fact that you have some pretty big self esteem issues if you're letting what some stranger thinks effect you in anyway at all, why would them thinking you're sexually attractive be degrading for you? You're just using words you hear thrown around too often by women looking to get upset over nothing, without thinking about why you're using them.

YDI! Guys, NO GIRL IN HER RIGHT MIND WANTS A MAN TO WHISTLE AT HER. So if you really feel the need to whistle at a girl, GO TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL. Seriously. Perv.

Seriously. Most girls like it better when the guy gets the confidence to actually go up to them and talk instead of whistling like a jackass and driving off. I mean, what the hell?

YDI for disrespecting women, treating them like dogs, and for not keeping your eyes on the road.

rmujerita 0

i don't mind whistles. It's a compliment and also a head ups never to give that person the time of day. Two birds, one stone.

ilovefmll69 0

that's what you get for being a ******* perv. you're probably fat and ugly, that's ****** up to whistle at a girl it makes them feel very uncomfotrtable it doesn't flatter them. i hope next you whistle at a girl she whips out an AK47 and shoots you in the face you fuckhead.

seriouslyFML1 0

if i ever saw you whistle at my wife, after you smashed your car i'd walk over and smash your face off of the steering are a dick head and you totally deserved it. i agree with poster 148.....if you knew anything about "picking up" women, you'd know that whistling at them is a dick move....

I never saw anyone whistleing at a chick who's attempting to do anything more then just whistle at a hot chick.

You deserve it, being a creep and degrading the poor girls like that.