By himtopia19 - 03/03/2009 00:09 - United States

Today, I was driving at night and saw a small animal run across the road. I slammed on my brakes and got rear-ended. The animal turned out to be a plastic grocery bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 656
You deserved it 16 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you come across an animal blocking your path on the road, then just run it over, that is what they tell you to do on your driving test. Unless it's a horse >.<

If you mistaken a bag for an animal, then you cannot have the attentiveness be a safe driver. No sympathy, and gtfo the road.


I'd run that animal over, turn around and come back and run it over again to see to it the thing is dead. F*ck that; saving the animal and potentially endangering whomever--like someone dear to you, you're really clever #3. Not that I'd really give a damn about most people, but Rocky the Flying Squirrel can go, I'm not killing myself over that.

Hahahahahaha oh my GOD that killed me. I really hope you're okay - no whip-lash or anything, and that the insurance covers it. First of all, major thumbs up for trying to stop - I have such a horror of hitting an animal on the road; I would just sit there and cry & cry. Second of all, although jamming on the breaks is never a good thing to do, the person behind you SHOULD have been far enough away to stop. This is why there is a mandatory distance between cars on highways - for these exact situations.

permanantgirl 0

you shouldnt get the ticket though.... you were driving safe by NOT running over objects.. they apparently werent keeping their distance

hellyeaitssherly 0

LMAO! oh man, i hope your car wasnt a porsche or anything

#1 has a point. I mean I love animals and all, and i would never purposefully run over one, but they DO tell you on your drivers test if you see a small animal just run over it, because most likely when you try to avoid it cause a bigger accident. But this only works for small animals. if its a deer or a cow or something of that nature well... try to stop? I've only run over a frog, and i heard it pop. ew. but where I come from the squirrels are retarded and people purposefully run them over (not me!) aaaannnnddd to say there will always be more animals FALSE. to say there will always be more humans.. god i hope not. I say don't try to kill the animal, but if it comes down to it, as much as i love animals, and think its horrible to kill them, i'd rather have the death of an animal on my shoulders rather than the death of a human. That is NOT saying that humans are better/more important what not, just that I'd feel bad for the loved ones of the human more than the loved ones of the animal.

and #50 how does speeding up help? my dad was going around a bend (a curve, we couldn't see around it) and on the other side was one cow on the street and the rest of the herd in the field to the right, (on the left was a wall of rock) and my dad didn't have time to stop and had he swerved to the left we would have all died, and to the right we would have hit the entire herd and probably gotten more damage, so he just went straight and hit the cow, luckily we were in a big car so it didn't hurt us, but the cow lost a horn and seemed to be bleeding pretty bad. :'(

you don't have very good nightvision then, a plastic bag shouldn't look like an animal from that close.

OK there's a lot of things wrong here: 1. You thought a bag was an animal. As someone else said, you're driving the car, pay more attention to what's ahead of you. 2. You *slammed* on the brakes for a small animal, with someone else driving behind you (if you didn't know, see #1, except applying to what's behind you). Your license should be revoked. 3. The person behind you is also inattentive and/or a poor driver if they couldn't stop in time to keep from hitting you.

my dad aims for small animals that run across the road